I Am Not Mya

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---In the Train---

3'rd Person's POV

Rim sat beside Rema as the train headed towards tree city,The Las Vegas of the sky.Rema and Rim joked about how it was idiotic for Mr.Charming Gold to surround the soul tree with buildings instead of soil because what kind of tree doesn't live without soil or anything non man made?

"So Mya are you going to enjoy this or not?"Miyo asked her sister from in front of them

Putting on her signature fake smile Rim nodded and Miyo sat down again,Turning back to Rema she saw her friend was counting money under her breath

"10 dollars, 20 dollars, 30 dollars.....Aha 150 dollars!" She said putting it back inside her bag

"How much does your parents owe people?"Rim asked

"More than 1000 dollars but it just kept on rising and my mom and dad doesn't have the best jobs."Rema sighed

It was true since her mom worked as the co-owner of a restaurant alongside Rema's aunt and also working as a tailor in her spare time while Rema's dad used to work in a very succsessful business that made her family very rich until there were many controversies surrounding his job causing the business to go bankrupt and fall in the end

Out of sadness of losing his job he tried to find another job but no one needed him,Stressed.He started going to bars and drink so finally as a 'job' he gambles that causes him to either win lots of money or cause him to be in debt

Rema's home wasn't also that pleasant since she lived in a run down apartment in a shady neighbourhood with annoying neighbours,debt from the landlord and constant black outs

"When i say i'll pay soon i say i'll pay soon!!!"Rema's dad yelled to the landlord who demanded his money 

That was when Rim was visiting Rema's home,Out of pity.Rim paid the landlord 500 dollars enough money to last them 5 months but only Rema and her mom were thankful instead Rema's dad just yelled at her like "I don't need your money!"

To be honest,Rema's mom was actually pretty nice but to make sure Rema's dad doesn't hit Rema she acts like an abusive mother even though it hurts her to yell at her only child

"Rim keep this a secret...Make sure Rema in the end knows i mean no harm to her but for now she must never know?"Rim kept that promise to make sure her friend doesn't know...for now

---In the Mong tribe---

"Spin get up get up!!"His little sister Sarah cheered for him to get up

In Spin's family he was the oldest child while Sarah and her twin Savannah are the youngest,They never see much of their parents since their politicians so Spin never felt loved from them.He didn't want Sarah and Savvy to end up like him so he acts like an overptroective brother

"Where's Savvy?"He asked as they walked to the kitchen seeing Savvy try to pour orange juice into a cup

"Aww did you try to make me breakfast?"He asked looking at his fruit salad 

"Alfie helped us!"Savvy said pointing to their butler Alvin

"They still think your name is Alfred from Batman?"Spin asked as Alvin placed french toast in front of him

"Yes sir."He said

"Call me Spin,Sir makes me feel....Old."Spin sighed

Of course he felt old,Taking care of Savvy and Sarah,Helping his tribe in secret and going to school? What is he a teenage dad?

"Where's daddy and mommy?"Sarah asked as she ate her toast

"Work."He replied shortly to stop both of them from making anymore questions

Alvin heard the doorbell rang and opened it,Opening the door there was a white and gold envelope with the name "Spin."On it.Holding it he walked to the kitchen and gave it to Spin

"Hmm...An invitation to tree city?Huh i thought good old guy Gai was going to be the representor of the Mong tribe?"Spin said making Savvy groan a bit

"Read the bottom."She reminded making Spin give an embarassed "Oh."  

"They want me to teach a class from the Nyanya tribe about the history of the Mong tribe with the  Soul tree? Well at least i get paid."He said 

"Spin is a teacher! Spin is a teacher!"Savvy and Sarah chanted around the kitchen making Spin facepalm

---In Tree City---

As the students decended from the train they were awestruck on how amazing the place was! I mean how cool is a city in the air? Rim just looked bored since the Nyanya tribe has a much more powerful tree,They finally reached a place where they were greeted by Charming Gold himself

"Welcome to Tree city!"He said as everyone said hello

"You must be Miyo right?The representor for the upcoming Running Man Competition."He asked as Miyo nodded making everyone be in awe

Rema and Rim rolled her eyes and snickered catching the attention of Charming Gold making everyone look at them

Oh Shi-

"You're Mya Rhythm Rim i see."He said making Rim nod

"Nice to meet you Mya."He said 

"My name is not Mya."She snapped a bit


You were born with that filthy name and will die with it

"Then what is it?"He asked secretly impressed she would cut him off

"It's Rim."She answered calmly earning whispers from the other students

"Hmm...Miss Greene is it ok if i take miss Rim for a while,I want to show her something."He asked and miss Greene nodded

---The place where Charming Gold watches the game---

She sat down on a chair a robot provided her and sipped a bit of her martini while Charming Gold sat straightly in his long chair

"Do you like the martini?"He asked

"It's amazing."She said


She would lie to protect herself and others from what's gonna happen if she says the truth,It also started fine but after a while...It became a part of her

"Can you tell me more about yourself?"He asked making her shocked

No one would ask about herself so this was something she was confused on what to say...The truh or her lies?Hoping she could trust him she tried to say the truth

"I am a A+ student,I have amazing agility,Brains,Speed,Stealth and every requirment to be an elite agent,My sister Miyo is what people calls the golden child and i don't know where to put myself."She sighed

She never thought telling the truth would lift the weight on her shoulders but she still felt what she felt everyday


"What do you tell yourself everyday to others?"He asked interested

"I am not my mother,I am not my father,I am not my sister and I am not Mya."

"Then who are you?"He asked taking a sip of wine

"I am Rim."

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