The White Swan And The Black Swan

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                                                  "Murdering Beauty and Passions..."

Rim's POV

Isn't it obvious I've never been my parents favourite?

Miyo, my twin. She was born first and was the prettiest out of the 2 of us, everyone adores her and she knows about it and takes it for granted while i have to live with it in the the shadows.

She lives the life of a celebrity like my parents showering her with love and gifts,Teachers comment to other students on why they can't be like her,Kids would ask her to play with them everyday....What does that leave me with?

Her magenta hair could be spotted from a mile away, bright skin that would make girls jealous, green eyes that felt like your being taken to a beautiful enchanted forest and a voice that would make boys fall head over heels.

I despise myself for being ugly and untalented.

It's true I have cyan hair but it's mixed with a bit of white in the center area making people believe I dyed my hair, no one likes that in school, everyone would think you are a gangster and that's your 'mark' . My green eyes mixed with piercing blue giving me a cold look that made others stay away.

I live the life of a rich peasant, true my family was rich but I had to do more complicated things myself since my parents pay more attention to Miyo, pocket money? You wish never had it..I just steal,  food? I can't cook so I take food when i have the chance, praises? Teachers would just say ok and get on with it, friends? Only one named Rema..We share the same problem but she has an abusive mom and an alcoholic dad who are in debt with a lot of money so sometimes we skip school so i could help earn money for her or we keep the money for our own selfishness and finally love? Nope never believed in it.

During my stages of life here is what happened when i was still a kitten i was being taken cared of by my nanny,Toddler i read books while my parents play with Miyo in the backyard, pre-teen i became the unoticed top grade student with a straight A+ record and finally an 18 year old i still am a straight A+ student but with bad habits.I tend to cause trouble with Rema and play around with people's feelings just for my own humour.

Never regretted it and never will.

And soon i will become 19,The age i will finally escape the nightmare of living with my parents and spoiled sister Miyo so i could live with Rema in a new apartment.

---In the morning---

Beep Beep BEEP!!!!

"Stupid alarm clock!"I yelled throwing it to the wall

 I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror messy cyan hair,Tired green eyes and a frown on my face.I took off my white plain shirt and headed for my bathroom

---10 minutes later---

Looking inside my walk in closed the closet was filled with clothes i bought with the money i stole

"Happy before birthday Bestie!"I read a card from Rema

Smiling a bit inside a box were new clothes like a leather jacket,White plain shirt,Black jeans and white shoes.Being happy after many days of sadness i put them on and started to walk to the kitchen to make myself breakfast

---In the kitchen---

"Mia you're up early."My dad told me taking a sip of his coffee and read his newspaper

"Of course i am...Have always been and my name is Mya not Mia dad."I said putting on a fake smile


I hate being called Mya even though it's my birthname,Rema calls me Rim and i love being called Rim since it's a rare name.Makes me feel special for once

"Morning Mya!"My mom cheered and kissed me in the cheek putting on another fake smile i said  good morning

My mom and dad finally noticed they've been giving Miyo too much attention so when i was 9 they started noticing me too but it was too late....

"Enjoy."She sang putting a glass of hot chocolate in front of me and a plate of bacon,eggs in front of me before putting another plate beside it with pancakes

"I love eggs!" I  said making my mom smile


"You two are my white swans."She said leaving the room to wake up Miyo since school starts in an hour

That's so wrong.

Everyone knows a white swan is a being of purity and grace while the black swan is the opposite of it but I believe I am the black swan.

Hatred,Selfish and arrogant.
---At School---

Passing by the lockers i reached my locker and was greeted with my best friend Rema who laid her back on a random student's locker while looking herself in a pocket mirror.

"I'm going to seduce an outsider during the field trip to tree city."She told me as i shut my locker.

"Why?"I asked as i pulled out my nails and examined them

"Money,Outsiders are weak but they have money especially the Giraffe tribe who boasts at all the're treasure...You in or out?"She asked.

"Hmm any other thing i can get?"I asked pushing my luck.

"Your sister is chosen to represent this tribe for the running man competition so since you're her twin you will also stay at tree city and i heard the spectators are easily distracted enough time for the both of us to get their wallets and maybe waste it on shopping,food and alcohol  or try to be addicted to smoking."She whispered making me froze.


Rema always tells me smoking is fun but i've never seen her do it so this is a big thing...Biting my lower lip i gave her a small nod.

My life is hell anyways

"I know it's bad but,Once we're 19 we are running away from home and start new lives ok?"She said hugging me.

---In Class---

"None of you know what is Pi?"The maths teacher asked us.

Rema nudged me to answer and I  groaned a bit before raising my hand.

"Pi is basically a number with millions of other numbers but we break it down to the first three numbers which is 3.14."i answered making the teacher smile a bit.

My maths teacher Mrs.Greene was the one of the few teachers who actually acknowledge me like my Cyber teacher,PE teacher and korean teacher.

"Told you you could beat her sorry ass." Rema pointed to Miyo who smiled at me not hearing what Rema said to her.

"The fieldtrip will start in 30 minutes." The speaker announced making everyone cheer.

"Ready to screw things up there?"

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