Meeting You

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(In this chapter we shall be focusing more on Miyo and Gai's relationship development starting with the first encounter following that shall be more interactions between the two before we could follow the main plot to make the story more interesting and have a better ending besides the one I did for my other Gaiyo book)

(I have to remind you I haven't updated this book in a while so my writing can be a little off and too how do you saw about this...weird)

Miyo's POV

I decided to go visit the Mong tribe's famous mall to see what the place had to offer.

The others told me to stop stressing over Rim because she was a tough cat,wasn't she?

She's one of the best trainees of cyber spies and she won many competitions that involve fighting and sports.

Plus the one time she sent our taekwondo teacher to the hospital...

She did say that Rim have to give it her all

Chuckling at that memory,the memories of years that we could have spent together haunted my mind.

As she continued walking aimlessly,she bumped into someone causing the both of them to fall and spill their stuff onto the ground.People walked passed them not caring to check if they were injured or not as they had no place in their heart to care.

They were strangers after all

They only care if a life is threatened or if the beautiful was hurt,not ordinary people

"Oh I'm sorry!"A voice exclaimed as it tried to grab their fallen items

"No no,it's okay."Miyo assured the voice as she tried to reach for the fallen Ninja star but a hand got to it first causing both of their hands to touch.

She felt a spark ran through her body as she looked up at the figure

It was a monkey with warm brown eyes wearing what seems to be ninja clothes the colour of blue and white

At first glance,he does not have any fashion sense at all

"I'm Gai and welcome to the Mong tribe!"He said cheerfully as they both stood up

He carried a small blue bag and inside looks like what you would bring for an every day at school

"I'm Miyo from the Nyanya tribe."She said making Gai's eyes widen

Sure he knew she was foreigner but seeing a Nyanya tribe member inside another tribe's recreational place was rare

They would usually go to other tribes for peace deals and trades







The cycle continues

"So what are you doing here besides what I think is taking a break from a business trip or something."He chuckled as she rolled her eyes playfully at that

Business jokes always make Nyanya tribe members laugh and the other tribes don't know why

"I'm just here to look around and explore you see."She said as he nodded her head

"I just finished school."He said as he patted his school bag

"Would you like to go hang out with me? I have no homework and my best friend is busy."He said

"Sure,I would love to hang out with you."


"Aww,why can't you hang out today?"Gai asked Spin as he entered the mall from another entrance

"I'm kind of busy with work at the moment,that's why but I'll hang out another time ok?"Spin said from the other line as Gai replied with an "Okay."

---With Spin---

He closed the phone as he silently stared at Rim for a while

He was told not to get too close to her to become a lover or type for her but Charming Gold never stated that he could be a work pal with her.

"Are you okay Spin?"She asked me as she sat down next to me

The others were too busy talking to each other and enjoying her drinks to notice she made her way towards him,her eyes glistened with worry and an emotion yet for Spin to discover

"I'm fine."I assured her with a smile

"Can you tell me more about yourself?"She asked making him look a bit upset

Not wanting for her to distance herself away from him he nodded


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