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It was crazy, Ally couldn't believe her luck when she'd won the seven day cruise to Thailand for herself and a partner, of course she had been optimistic, but everyone knew these things were rigged and thats what she'd thought too...

She could remember Amanda standing next to her impatiently whilst they waited for the winners to be called.

"Jasie Andrews and michelle Aubery , Our first pair of lucky winners." The burly man up on stage called out,searching the crowd,two girls raised their hands and ran up screaming in excitement to collect their tickets.

"A big hand of applause for them, as the first winners you each get a complementary ipad with your tickets!" The man said applauding and handing out their prizes after taking a picture with both of them.

"Oh my god Ally! it's obvious our names won't be called..."she droaned looking  toward the cafe across from the hypermarket they were currently at. " How about we just skip on out of here and grab a coffee?" She whined. "I can see a certain Pair of twins that you might want to join..."

Allys head snapped back ." Chill! Will ya? If you want to go hang with brainless and buff , be my guest, but I'd really like to see the results Am... " Her tone went from annoyed to apologetic.

"I understand that you're just antsy and have a major crush on pete ,but I've been waiting for this forever.... if by chance we win..."

"Fat chance!" Am blurted out before bowing her head and fidgeting with her nails . "But since we're here already ,we might as well stay." She watched Pete and Matt pay for their bill and leave the cafe before her attention completely cut off.

"Anastasia Bark and Toby Mill, our final winners! Come on up!" Allys face fell .

"Sorry Ally. Told you its a gamble...we werent going to win ,but still ,it would have been swell." Amanda grabbed Allys hand to walk out.

The big burly man received a call and the crowd went silent. "It seems Miss Bark and Mr Mill wont be able to claim their prize due to a family emergency and so, without much ado" he put his hands together and a drumming noise went off "lets choose another set of winners." He put his hand in a huge glass bowl filled with pieces of paper.

The room was so quiet you could here a pin drop with the amount of silent anticipation in the crowd.

The girls proceeded to the door not in the mood to stay and get there hopes torn down.

"Ally Thicket and Amanda Ashwin! Come on up here you lucky,lucky girls! " the two stopped dead in there tracks totally stumped.

"Are we being duked?" Ally asked Amanda with wide eyes.

"Ally ,Amanda? You guys here?" The man asked searching the crowd. Amanda not wanting to miss the window for the prize pulled Ally toward the stage ."We're here! " The burly man smiled, took a picture with them as soon as they made it up to the stage and handed them their tickets. Ally stood shocked, so Amanda decided to do more of the talking ,they were just about to leave when the the burly man ,who'd introduced himself as Gert stopped them.

"Oh! I almost forgot...This champagne is for you girls aswell! Enjoy."

"Oh wow, thanks!" Amanda said receiving the bottle and leaving with Ally.

"It ain't no ipad but,its better than nothing, how about we go back to our flat and celebrate!?"

Ally grinned "sounds like a plan,since I'm in a good mood you can go ahead and invite Pete , Matt and Lexa."

"Lexa? You know that girl's bad news ,why invite her?"Amanda said deadpanned.

"She's our friend! Besides after the whole accident with luke ...she's changed,a night with friends would be good for her."

"Do you know what happened ? " Amanda asked sadly.

"They say he was drunk,fell from the bridge . He's in a coma now. Lexa feels at fault,they fought that night..." Ally whispered , a tear falling.

She and Luke were best friends, he hadn't even called her that night...he had been crushing on her from kindergarten and Ally was the person he always confided in much to Amandas Dismay ,they were all friends but Ally and Luke...they had just been closer.

Especially since Amanda only really had time for her own drama.

Amanda led Ally to their small red mini cooper the two shared and dumped the packets in the back before jumping in and driving to their flat.

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