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"Come on Ally,one more!" Amanda poured a glass of citrus vodka and placed it on the table.

Ally was on a role, finally letting go, she tipped her head back, downing the liquid in one gulp.

" God! This one was hella strong." Amanda laughed at Ally ,her normally introverted friend.

" What's that? Turn the music down."Ally said.

" What is what? " Amanda asked thinking it was just the tipsy talking.

" Lower the damn music for a sec!"

" c'mon you're just being paranoid Ally,musics not even that loud." Amanda muted the music.

" Can you hear it now?"

"It's all in your he..." she heard it before she could finish her sentence." What is that?"

She went closer to the door, it sounded like a soft but incessant knocking.

Ally sobered up a bit as Amanda peeked through the peephole.

" Holy shit,what the." Amanda hurriedly opened the door, a bloodied woman was almost falling over ,about to faint."

" Shit, shit!",Ally repeated.
"We should call security."

" No! Please dont!" The woman all but begged desperately.

She had a wound to the head and her face was bruised ,her clothes torn.

" They're in on it..." she said weakly before fainting.

"Quick you need to wipe the blood infront of our door!" Amanda comanded Ally." Something weirds going on."

Ally grabbed a cloth and hurried to clean the blood smeared on the door, she was focusing hard so not to miss anything or fall over herself.

When she came back in Ally had cleaned the woman up and tucked her in bed.

" We can only find out whatevers going on once she wakes up,we should rest up until then."

Amanda doubled checked the outside before she came back in and offed the lights ready to get into bed.

" Don't stress." Amanda said comforting Ally,yet when there was an unexpected knock on the door her heart felt like it would explode.

"Hide on the side of the bed. " Amanda ordered Ally as she approached the door.

It was room service, yet she hadn't ordered anything.

She made sure the room was dark and that the womans head was covered before opening the door.

" Sorry if I woke you, we're handing out complimentary wine to the winners of the trip."

Amanda noticed the man inspecting the inside of the cabin or atleast trying too.

" yup,my friends knocked out...we had one to many." She took the wine from him.

"Thanks! Sorry ,but I have a splitting headache and I'd love to get back to bed.

The guy looked embarrased " my apologies." He turned away just as she shut the door ,but she hadn't moved far enough to  not have heard him.

"Room 304 clear.Dont worry cap'n we'll find her soon enough."

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