Your First Night at Your Home with Your Parents

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Joker & Harley Quinn-  After your daddy was done with his meeting, he found you with your mommy, sleeping so peacefully. He smiled at the sight and said "Harley. It's time to go home now." Your mommy was too comfortable on the soft couch at the club. So your daddy took you out of her arms and took you to the car. "Boss." "What, Frosty?" "I just wanted to let you know that I installed a car seat for y/n in the Lamborghini." Joker just shock his head as he went to his Lamborghini.( I know that Joker's Lamborghini doesn't have a backseat, but pretend it does.)  He opened the door, got the car seat out and placed you inside. He made sure that you were comfortable, but mostly that you were safe and strapped in. You began to stir but your daddy whispered sweet things to help you calm down. "That's my girl/boy."  Your daddy said as he closed the door.  "Stay here with car and make sure NOTHING and I mean NOTHING happens to my little clown heir or YOU'RE DONE!" He yelled. When he returned to the club, he saw your mommy in tears. "My queen, what has you so upset?" He said pushing some of her hair back. "P-Pu-Puddin'. I-I lost y/n." She said bawling her eyes out, as your daddy began to chuckle. "What's so funny, Puddin'?" "You are, my dear Harley Quinn. You didn't lose y/n. I took her/him to the car, so we can go home." "Oh. " "Now let's getting before y/n wakes up and/or the Bat shows up." He said taking your mother's arm.  (Time skip to home)

Once the three of you were home, your daddy got you of your car seat and carried you up to his and mommy's bedroom. He laid you down on the bed, put pillows all around you and covered you up. "Come on, babe. Let's take a bath." He said to your mommy.  After your parents had a bath and were dressed, they got into the bed with you, laid in between their arms and went to sleep.

Katana & Diablo- Your mommy was released from the hospital, which meant you were going home.  "Okay, here's baby y/n." The nurse said as she handed you to your daddy. "Hello sweetheart. Guess what? We get to go home today and you get to see your aunts and uncles." He cooed.  "Hey babe. I'm going to freshen up. Can you get y/n dressed?" Your mommy asked your daddy. "Sure thing dear. Now to find your welcome home outfit and we'll be good to go." Your daddy cooed at you.  Once he found it he got you ready. "Is y/n ready, Diablo?" "Yes. I'm just putting her/his socks on." He replied. "All dressed and ready to go bye-bye."  "Where's my baby?" "Hey, you mean our baby." Diablo teased as he got you out of the hospital bed and handed you over to your mommy. "Hello my sweet baby girl/boy. Can I see what daddy dressed you in?" She cooed as she unwrapped you from your blanket.

 Can I see what daddy dressed you in?" She cooed as she unwrapped you from your blanket

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"Are you serious???!!!!!" "What? It's cute and funny."  "Your daddy is silly. Isn't he, y/n?" (Time skip to home.) "Diablo, why are so many cars at our house?" "I don't know, dear." He said as he got you out of the car. "Ready for our first day/night with this little angel?" "Oh yes, because it's all going to be you." "Not funny, babe.  Okay, y/n. Welcome to your home." "Surprise! Welcome home, y/n!"  Everyone yelled. "Omg! You guys. Who did this?" Your mommy said. "Alright you caught me."  Rick said. "Hey Katana. Can I hold y/n?" "Sure Harley." Your mommy said as your daddy took you out. "I love y/n's onesie. Puddin' come look." She said. Joker groan but made his way over to you and Harley. That where you opened your eyes and looked around. "Aww. Look who just opened her/his eyes." Harley cooed. After some of the people left, your daddy helped your mommy get into bed, while Joker and Harley babysat you.  You were happily playing when out of the blue, you started to cry. "Aw, y/n. What's wrong?" Harley asked. "Give y/n to me, Harley." Joker said  as Harley gave you to him. "Shh... come on now y/n. It's okay." He said soothingly. As you listened to his soothing voice, you began to fall asleep. "Wow ese. You have the gift." "Gift? What gift?" "The gift of putting y/n to sleep." "Aw. See Puddin'. You would make a great a daddy." Harley said. Joker rolled his eyes as he gave you back to your daddy.  He put you in your bassinet and went to bed, to prepare himself for the long night ahead.

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