Part 74

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We we walked down and Emma started crying so I got her a plate and I fed her some food. She stopped crying and we laughed. Anthony was feeding Ava and we were all sitting at a big table. Then Tony stood up

T- "I just want to say something. I'm and I think everyone here is glad that Anthony could come home because we all know he can't visit all the time. But we're also glad Sophie could be here too along with the twins. So thank you guys for all coming"
S- thank you

I smiled and Anthony stood up and he looked at me and I knew what he was doing. I slid my ring on my finger and continued to feed Emma.

A- thanks dad. I actually have something to say too. Me and Sophie are—
R- please don't say breaking up
S- we aren't don't worry
R- are you pregnant
S- oh god no. 2 is enough for now
A- Racheal let me talk please. Ok so me and Sophie are getting married
C- no your not your joking

She said smiling while looking at me and him. I raised my hand and everyone looked at my ring

C- oh my GOD

She got up and I did to. She hugged me and then pretty soon everyone else hugged me.

S- thank you everyone. Me and Anthony are happy and can't wait.

We finished eating and the twins were playing in the living room. I helped Cinda with dishes along with Anthony's aunts.

I told Cinda's side of the family bye since they were leaving. I sat done in the living room after they left.


Right now I was getting the twins dressed to go back home. Anthony walked out of the bathroom and was dressed and ready

S- can you watch them while I get ready
A- yeah
S- thanks babe

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then I walked to the bathroom. I did a simple look for makeup and then I put my hair in a messy bun. I walked out and I started picking out my outfit and one of the twins started crying.

S- they might need fed
A- ok I'll go down

He left and I put on a t shirt dress With white tennis shoes

He left and I put on a t shirt dress With white tennis shoes

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I got our luggage and I walked down. I saw Cinda and Tony feeding the twins and Anthony was eating cereal.

S- good morning family
C- good morning Sophie
T- good morning daughter in law
A- good morning and what time do we have to leave
S- we have to leave in 30 minutes
A- ok I left the cereal out for you

I walked to him and I got myself cereal. I finished eating and we put the twins in there car seats. I then hugged Cinda

S- I will miss you
C- visit again soon we have a wedding to plan
S- yes we do

"Anthony's Girl"❤️(Anthony Trujillo)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt