Part 65

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1 month later
Today Anthony was leaving for Manchester with Jake, Tony and Logan and Arie in jakes private airplane. He's been staying in the guest room and helping with the twins so much. We're still on a break which is good because I think we needed the break from a couple and just be friends right now. I woke up and I walked to the nursery and I picked up Emma who was up. She started giggling and I walked downstairs. I put her in her play area and I went to the kitchen to make her a bottle. I made it and then went over to her and started feeding her. I got done and I laid her down and she started playing with her toys and I walked into the kitchen and I started making breakfast for Anthony. Every once in a while I would look at Emma to see if she was ok and she was. I was getting done with breakfast and Anthony walked down with Ava who was sleeping.
S- she's still sleeping
I whispered and then chuckled and I took her from him.
S- you can eat and I'll feed her
I whispered
A- no I can feed her
He whispered
S- no you look tired I will
I whispered
A- but I won't be able to see her in a week
He whispered
S- fine you can feed her but then you will eat
I whispered and he took her and I made a bottle and he sat down. I made Anthony a plate and then I grabbed water for my self. He made it half way through the bottle and I walked over to him and picked up Ava
S- I'll burp her you go eat
A- ok ok I will eat
He walked to the kitchen and I burped her and then laid her down to play with Emma.
A- what are you going to do after I leave
S- well your mom's coming down so probably just spending time with her
A- ok
He got done and put his plate away and then laid across from me on the floor
A- I can't believe there 1 month old
S- I know it's going by fast
He nodded
S- i have to pay our bills soon
A- I already did
S- Anthony I keep telling you to stop.
I yelled but not to loud for the twins
A- yeah but I know you don't have money so I did
S- I don't have money really Anthony.
I stood up and I walked upstairs. I walked to my room and I started doing my makeup. I got half way done and my phone started ringing so I answered and it was Cinda

Sophie- hi Cinda
Cinda- hi Madi I just wanted to tell you we will be in la in a couple hours
Sophie- ok come to the new house

We hung up and I finished my makeup and then I straightened my hair. I got dressed in

I then FaceTimed savanna Sav- hey sisSophie- hey Sav Sav- how are you and the twins Sophie- we're good how are youSav- goodWe continued talking and then Anthony walked in with both of the twinsA- I'm going to shower quick and then pack S- okSav-he...

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I then FaceTimed savanna
Sav- hey sis
Sophie- hey Sav
Sav- how are you and the twins
Sophie- we're good how are you
Sav- good
We continued talking and then Anthony walked in with both of the twins
A- I'm going to shower quick and then pack
S- ok
Sav-hey Anthony
Anthony- hi savanna
He laid the twins down and left. I put my phone up so she could see the twins and we talked. We hung up after an hour and I brought the twins downstairs. I laid them down and I was making there bottle when someone knocked and then I heard Cinda and Tony
S- I'm in the kitchen
Cinda and Tony walked in and Cinda immediately picked up Ava. I hugged them both and walked to the stairs
I then walked back to the kitchen and tony was holding the other twin.
T- I couldn't help it
I laughed and Anthony walked down
A- hi mom hi dad
He hugged them both.
A- dad we can go downstairs. We got a pool table
T- ok
They left and tony handed me Emma.
C- I fall in love with this place every time
I chuckled
S- I love it.
C- so what are we planning on doing for a week
S- idk but I need my nails done
C- yeah I could too

For the rest of the day we talked and then it was time for Anthony and Tony to leave. He brought his bag down and I was holding Emma and Ava. He then walked over to me
A- goodbye princesses I'll miss you
He kissed both of them on the head.
S- make sure you call me when you land
A- ok
He then hugged his mom and tony said goodbye to me. They walked outside and I walked out with Cinda. They put there stuff in the Uber and Anthony ran back over to me and the twins
A- one more
He kissed the twins and I chuckled and Ava started crying. He walked back over to the Uber and they left. Me and Cinda walked back in and I calmed Ava down while Cinda fed Emma. I then fed Ava.
C- you want me to wash Emma
S- yeah we can wash the twins now
We walked to the sink and I put the bath thing in so they can lay down and we started washing them. After that we took them out and fired them and we put them in matching onesies.
C- you go shower I'll put them to bed
S- are you sure
C- yeah you need a break
I chuckled and left. I went and showered and changed into pjs and Cinda knocked and walked in.
C- there both sleeping so I'm going to head to bed
S- ok goodnight and thank you
C- no problem
She left and I turned on the baby monitor and I laid down.

I knew I wouldn't hear from Anthony until tomorrow so I went to bed


Instagram @imanthonytruj

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Look at this photo of my beautiful princesses I received before our plane left💕💕

@erikacostell- there so cute❤️😍
@chloebennet- can't wait to see them in a week😭

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Only Ava's waiting for daddy to come back into the room😂💕#daddysgirl

@imanthonytruj- I miss them both😊
@fan1- daddy's girl
@fan2- she called him daddy😉
@sophierose- well he is a dad🤷🏽‍♀️

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Authors note💕
Thank you guys for reading this chapter, love you guys all and I'm sorry about the slow updates. 💕

•read my other books

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