Part 71

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2 days later

Over these past two days I have been getting calls from my dad and I never answered them. Until now I got a call from my dad and it was now 10:14 am and Sophie was up in her room probably taking a bath and the twins were sleeping so I answered it.

Anthony- hey dad
Dad- hey Anthony how are you
Anthony- I'm good how about you
Dad- I'm good your mom's been so upset please call her
Anthony- ok I'll talk to her but only for Sophie's sake
Dad- ok thank you

We hung up and then I called my mom

Mom- Anthony
Anthony- hey mom
Mom- look Anthony what I said was really wrong
Anthony- mom you shouldn't be telling me this just tell her
Mom- ok can you guys come and visit
Anthony- I'll talk to her
Mom- ok thank you
Anthony- yeah bye
Mom- bye

We hung up and then I went up to our room. I knocked and then walked in and she was sitting on the bed and her eyes were watering.

A- babe are you ok
S- no

She wiped her eyes and I sat next to her

S- I don't think we're working
A- what do you mean

Right now I didn't know what she was talking about

S- I mean your mom doesn't even like me so what kind of love is that if your boyfriends mom doesn't like you and then you deserve better
A- no your the only one for me and I love you ok
S- how do I know that
A- because I don't lie to you and I just told you that I did
S- so

I wiped her tears and I stood up and I went over to my sock drawer


Anthony got up and he walked over to his sock drawer and I thought he was going to leave but then he walked back over to me and pulled me up and he bent down on one knee and he held my hands.

A- Sophie Garcia I love you to death. We have been through so much as a couple and best friends and we're still together strong than ever. Yeah my mom said some things but she wants us to go to Ohio. But that's not the point. The point is I love you and I want to marry you so will you marry me Sophie.

I instantly started crying and then I nodded yes and he put the ring on my finger and he hugged me.

S- when did you get the ringA- 2 months ago when we were on a breakS- reallyA- yeahS- it's beautiful A- no as beautiful as you

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

S- when did you get the ring
A- 2 months ago when we were on a break
S- really
A- yeah
S- it's beautiful
A- no as beautiful as you

He kissed me and then I kissed back.

S- are we going to Ohio
A- I was hoping we could

"Anthony's Girl"❤️(Anthony Trujillo)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن