Part 4

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I saw this pretty girl in Walmart and she was talking to Tydus and then I saw her again. I asked her on a date and I'm so excited for it. I used to date Rocky Garcia but I broke up with her like 5 days ago and she will not get over me. Anyways I really like Sophie so
I woke up around 8 and I walked downstairs to the kitchen in my bra and booty shorts. I grabbed cereal and I started eating it. There was a knock on our sliding door. I peeked a little bit through the curtains and it was a homeless guy. He finally left after 10 minutes of knocking
L- what was all that knocking
S- it was a homeless guy
She laughed
L- what
S- yeah I know
She ate cereal too and I turned on the tv and sat down and I watched Netflix.
L- what are we doing today
S- I have a date
L- wait really
S- yes
L- with Anthony right
S- yes Liz
L- where and when
S- idk and 5
L- well ask where
She sat down next to me and I dm'd him

Where is our date??

Somewhere fancy :)


Text me ************

I put his number in and I texted him
Ok so about that hint. And my apartment is ***** room **
Nooo but be ready 😉

I stopped texting him
S- I'm going to look for an outfit
L- I'll come
We walked up to my closet and started looking
S- this one
L- yeah and then heels
I picked heels and grabbed the dress and laid it on my bed.

There was a knock on the door and Liz went to get it

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There was a knock on the door and Liz went to get it. I heard her screaming and I went down the stairs and I saw her hugging her boyfriend, Matt
S- Matt!
I ran and hugged him. We're all 3 best friends so yes I'll say I love you too him but just as a friend
L- she has a date tonight
M- he better treat you right
We laughed
S- he's really cute
M- omg really
He said in a girl voice. I hit him and we all caught up.

It was 3:45 and I walked upstairs to get ready. It took me and an hour to do my hair and makeup

I straightened my hair because I hate curling my hair

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I straightened my hair because I hate curling my hair. I got into my dress and I put my heels on. I then walked down
L- oh my god your so hot
S- do I look good
M- yes
L- what he said
There was a knock and I walked over to it. I opened the door and I saw Anthony smiling with roses.

A- you look beautiful S- thank you

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A- you look beautiful
S- thank you. You don't look so bad your self
He handed me the roses
S- thank you I really love them
I handed the roses to Liz to put them away
S- Anthony that's my best friend I live with Liz and that's her boyfriend also my best friend Matt
A- nice to meet you guys
He shook Matt's hand and then hugged Liz.
S- ok let's go
I closed the door and we walked together out. He lead me to a Tesla and we got in
S- is this yours
A- no my friends I don't have a car because we have a lot of cars I can use or just get an Uber
S- ok how many friends do you live with
A- I'll have to show you sometime
He winked and started heading somewhere
S- so where are we going
A- somewhere
S- your so mean
We then go to a sushi restaurant and he parked
S- I love sushi
A- I know
S- how do you know
A- it's in your Instagram bio
I laughed
S- ok
We got out and walked in
A- reservation for Trujillo
The waiter lead us to a table for two. We sat down and ordered our drinks and then ordered our food
A- I'll have a cheeseburger with fries
I looked at him and the waiter left
S- you know it's a sushi restaurant
A- I hate sushi
S- what now I feel bad
A- please don't.
S- our next date we can go somewhere you like
A- our next day
I blushed
S- ok tell me about you
A- I'm 21. I'm from Ohio. My dads name is Tony. My mom's name is Cindy. My sisters name is Racheal and she has a boyfriend Broc. I have a dog back in Ohio Rocco and I have a dog here Athena. I love red and that's it.
S- ok well I'm 20 and I'm from Playa del Carmen. My mom's name is Maria and I have 3 siblings. There's James or J and he's 16. There's Isabel or Bella and she's 5. Then Lucas or Luke and he's 3. I love roses because my middle name is rose and there so pretty. I also love white.
A- what about your dad
S- he left me my brother James and my mom when James was born. So i don't count him as my father. But his name is Isaac and he tried to get in contact with my brother and me but I ignored them all
A- I'm sorry
S- it's ok
We got our food and started eating. I saw him take a photo
A- give me your phone
I handed it to him and I put my finger print to unlock it. I started eating and he handed me it back. He added hisself on Snapchat and his finger print on my phone
I just laughed and we got done eating. He paid and we left.
S- I'll pay next time
He shook his head
S- ok so what do you do
A- I'm a YouTuber with a group called team 10 look them up
S- ok so you have a lot of fans
A- yeah watch my vlogs and you will see that there's a lot of people in the house
S- I will at home
We got at my apartment and he parked
A- I'll text you
S- ok and I won't post anything of you
A- oh yeah I don't want you getting an hate yet
I smiled
S- ok I'll go bye
A- bye
I got out and I started walking. I felt someone turn me around and it was Anthony. He looked at my lips and then my eyes. We then kissed. We pulled away and he was smirking and I was smiling
A- I'll see you later
I kissed his cheek and left. I got to my apartment room and I walked in. The lights were off so they must of been sleeping. I walked upstairs and I wiped my makeup off and then I showered. I then fell asleep
Authors Note
-Follow my Anthony account on Instagram: tonys_squad
- Follow my Anthony account on Twitter: tonys_squad

"Anthony's Girl"❤️(Anthony Trujillo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora