"I'm serious Siena why else would he punch your best friends ex-boyfriend. Watch out for him though you've heard of his reputation, he's all trouble."

I gritted my teeth and stared out the window at the passing houses Nadia had no right to tell me who to be careful of she didn't even know the guy. I jumped out of the car eager to get away from Nadia the minute she parked the car in the garage. I rushed into my room and started to throw clothes into a bag at the same time I dialed my Dad's number he picked up after three rings.


"Hey Dad, its Siena. I'm going over to stay with Terra tonight."

"Well what's wrong with Terra?" My dad asked.

My parents were very strict about going over to friends, even though Nadia and I were juniors now we still had to ask permission it was one of the rules they had. Usually they didn't care if I went over to Terra's house on a school night, but I still felt obliged to ask.

"Something happened with her boyfriend, she needs me."

There was a pregnant pause on the end of the line before my dad let out a big sigh. "See let this be a lesson to you Siena. Relationships in high school are nothing but trouble and drama."

"Okay dad," I groaned. I wasn't in the mood to hear him launch into a lecture about relationships. If it was up to him Nadia and I wouldn't be allowed to date or even talk to boys high school boys only have one thing on their mind after all. "So I can go to Terra's right?"

"Yeah, don't forget to text your mom and tell her."

"Okay thanks Dad, love you bye."

I hung up the phone and immediately text my mom, I was slightly anxious that Beck still hadn't contacted me but I had no time to worry over him Terra had texted multiple times asking me to come over. I shoved the rest of my clothes into my bag and packed the school books I would need for tomorrow I was about to text Terra to tell her I was coming over when Nadia poked her head into my room.

"Where are you going?"

"Over to Terras"

"Oh, I'll drive you!"

I squinted my eyes at Nadia in suspision why was she so eager to drive me? "Okay, lets go."

I grabbed my bag and we piled back into the car. Terra's house wasn't more than 15 minutes away, the ride there was dead quiet for once I was glad Nadia wasn't trying to talk to me.

"Are you coming in?" I asked Nadia.

"Nah, but if Tyrone is in there can you tell him to come out and talk to me?"

"You and Tyrone have something going on?"

Nadia looked like she had just seen a ghost. "No."

I couldn't help but laugh at her expression. "Okay if you say so. I'll send your boyfriend out."

"Shut up Siena!" She shouted after me.

I smiled glad I had hit a nerve. "Hey Terra I'm here!" I yelled as I walked into the house Terra's family always left the door unlocked.

Tyrone came walking out of Terra's room. "She's in there."

I nodded and started heading down the hall but was held back by Tyrone who had grabbed my wrist.

"Siena you and Beck? Really?" He asked, lowering his voice to a whisper so Terra couldn't hear us.

I yanked my wrist away and growled at him I didn't need another lecture about Beck being dangerous. "You and my sister? Really Tyrone?" I spat back.

Tyrone scrunched up his face like he couldn't believe I had figure him out. "That's not the point Siena." He said after recovering from his mild shock.

"Then what is?" I whispered harshly. I wanted to yell and tell everybody to stay out of my business my relationship with Beck had nothing to do with him or my sister or that stupid gang he is in.

"Beck is--"


Tyrone violently shook his head in agreement. "Yeah Siena you don't know what that guy is capable of."

"He wouldn't hurt me Tyrone! Your stupid gang almost hurt me today, what were you going to do shoot us?"

"Siena-" Tyrone sighed. "We were just trying to help."

"Help how?" I growled.

"What do you see in him anyways? He is just a rich white guy, Siena he doesn't really care about you."

"Shut up Tyrone!" I yelled before marching into Terra's room and slamming the door shut. I forgot to tell him Nadia was waiting in the car for him but I didn't care. What did Nadia and her stupid boyfriend, Tyrone know about Beck anyways they were just jealous.

"What was that about?" Terra asked. She was laying on the bed covered in blankets and watching some T.V. show I sighed and crawled into the bed next to her.

"Nothing," I sighed.

Terra turned off the T.V. she sat up in the bed and looked down at me with those pretty hazel eyes. "Si, tell me."

I really didn't want to tell Terra about Beck yet it felt wrong to feel happy about my new relationship when hers had just ended.

"I'll tell you later, okay."

Exhaling I closed my eyes savoring the comfort of the bed. Terra shuffled around in the bed, I thought she was laying back down but I guess Terra had a different idea.

"Ow!" I shrieked as a pillow came slamming down on my face.

"Tell me!" Terra yelled before wacking me with the pillow again.

"Okaaaaaay! Gosh just stop hitting me."

For the first time today Terra smiled and settled down next to me like a little kid who was about to be told some huge secret. I launched into my story about my day with Beck, skipping school, almost being killed by some gang and becoming his girlfriend. Terra was deadly silent after I had finished she looked down at the blankets, I was afraid she was about to burst into tears.

"I was so right! You and Beck I totally called it."

I laughed at Terra's sudden outburt.

"Don't you think you're going kind of fast though? Si, you barely know the guy and your already a couple."

I sighed everyone was on repeat today like an annoying broken record I couldn't get out of my mind, 'Beck is dangerous, stay away from Beck blah blah blah' why was no one just happy for me.

"I'll get to know him," I replied.

At that moment Terra's phone started to vibrate from the sad look on her face I knew it was Damon trying to weasel his way back into Terra's heart. Terra pressed the ignore button as a single tear slide down her cheek.

"Terra let me see your phone."

She handed it over before collapsing onto the bed in a heap of tears. I punched in her passcode and started to get rid of all traces of Damon, I deleted the pictures of them together, erased his texts and blocked his number. Terra needed a new start but she wasn't going to get one with Damon hanging around her. Terra's soft snores echoed around her dark room, I hadn't realized how late it had gotten and we had school the next morning.

I hopped off her bed, changed into my pajamas and settled back into the bed next to Terra I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


Hey guys! So i know that chapter is kind of boring, it was mostly a filler chapter but it allowed you to see everyones reactions to Siena and Beck being together. The next chapter will be much more interesting, I promise!

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