Ushigome Rimi x Kind! Keyboardist! Female! Reader

Start from the beginning

"I think you have a chance to go out with her" She said while smiling and got back to work.
I'm very nervous now. I tried to calm down but I didn't manage.

"Sorry for the waiting" I saw a cup tea in front of me and an another for Onee-chan.
"T-Thank you (Y/N)-chan !" I said and I drank the tea.
"I-It's very good..." I said surprised and I continued to drink the tea.
"Right ? (Y/N) always makes good teas when she has opportunities" Onee-chan said and drank at her turn.
"I-I'm kinda embarrassed when you said that Yuri..."  (Y/N)-chan said while chuckling nervously and sat down besides me. She's cute when she's blushing.

(Y/N)'s POV

Geez, she didn't have to tell it...
It's not like I want to show Rimi my skills.
It'a just I always like to do something for people. It's like it's a must.

Besides it...
Glances at Rimi
I'm kinda nervous when I'm with her...
And she's quite close to me so I can smell her scent. It's kinda sweet if I could say.

Wait a minute !
What am I doing again ?!
We just met a few hours ago so there's no way I already have a crush on her !
"Are you alright (Y/N) ?" Yuri asked.
"Y-Yeah ! I'm alright Yuri !" I said while I tried to get back to work.

We didn't say anything until Rimi stands up.
"I-I will go training with my bass !" Rimi said and started going to her room.
"Okay Rimi ! See you later !" Yuri said.
It's kinda sad to see Rimi leaving but maybe she needs to train for a live or she's just bored. In any case, I hope her band will success.
I can't focus at all.
I am still remembering Rimi in my mind.
Why is it happening to me ?!

"Hey, are you really alright ?" Yuri asked again.
I checked outside the living room to see if there's someone but it seems like there's nobody.

"I think I have a crush on your little sister..." I said and Yuri suddenly stopped working. She looked more interested into my response.
"Why ?" She asked.
"I-It's because...she seems pure and cute." I answered while blushing.
"Mmh...Maybe you should ask her out"
"R-Really ?!" I asked surprised.
"Yup ! I'm sure you will success it ! And I trust you since you're very kind !" She's really serious ? I hope she tell me the truth. It's my first time after all.
"...I guess I could give it a try." I said unsure.
"Listen, go ask her out right now !" She said and she brought me to Rimi's room.

"I don't think it will work..." I'm very nervous now. Yuri sighed and knocked Rimi's door. I suddenly whispered to her:
"What are you doing—"
"Onē-chan ?" I heard Rimi talking and I heard her footsteps getting closer. I checked Yuri but she already disappeared.
I heard the door opened.
"(Y-Y/N)-chan ? What are you doing here ?" Rimi asked. I guess I can't get away now.
"Y-Yuri told me to check you up ! S-So here I am !" I answered nervously.
"A-Alright..." Rimi said while blushing.
'She's very cute when she's blushing...'

We didn't say anything and I'm getting more nervous because of the silent. I should break it.
"C-Can I come in—"
"Y-You can come in you know—"
We said at the same time and we instantly stopped talking. We blushed at the same time and we didn't meet our eyes.
It's very embarrassing if I could tell.

"C-Come in..." Rimi said while still blushing and looking away. I don't think I can't bare her anymore.
"E-Excuse me then..." I said and I entered her room.
(I don't remember if the anime or the game showed her room so I will skip the description. ('><) )

She's back to her training.
My heart can't stop beating faster. I'm very nervous now. Even though I told myself to stay calm, I can't do it. Maybe it's time for me to confess. If it doesn't end well, I hope we can still be friend.
"Hey Rimi, can I tell you something ?" I started talking while blushing. I guess I am crossing the non-return point.
"W-What is it (Y/N)-chan ?" Rimi asked while blushing too. I gulped and I looked into her eyes and I said the three words.
"...I love you"
"...M-Me too..."


And that's all for today !
Again, I'm sorry for everything. My so-called "Imaginary around" is broken because of lessons.
Also, I should try to make a 3rd POV because I always reused the same things. I should learn from others stories.
As always, I hope you enjoy it ! And see you next time !

Reader x Female Characters One-Shots [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now