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I don't own Fairy Tail or it's characters

 "Sky dragons roar!" I directed it at Corvus but disappeared and I felt someone kick me in the back. I stumbled forward and turned around but he was gone. Lucy, Zeref and Corvus had all disappeared. We tried to find them but ended up lost in the forest.  

Wendy P.O.V.

We walked back to our Guild in defeat. Natsu wouldn't talk and we had given up trying to talk to him. We entered the guild and everyone's head turned. They knew we were looking for Lucy, but the looks on or faces told them what they wanted to know; we failed at bringing her back. Natsu headed home without Happy and said something about being alone.

~Later that day

"HELP, SOMEONE HELP!" Natsu had  kicked the door in carrying Lisanna, Lisanna was bleeding and wasn't conscious. I rushed over and started healing her to the best of my abilities but the wounds were too deep. Natsu carried her to the infirmary while Mira got Master Makarov. I continued to heal her but my magic was draining and I had to stop.

"Natsu what happened?" Makarov asked worried.

"I-I found her... she was in front of my door. I thought she was dead." He choked out the words. She was going to live but she had yet to wake up. I was cleaning her wounds when to my horror I saw the same mark that was on Lucy's hand, it was carved into Lisanna's stomach. To make it worse whip marks were all over her.

"Master I know who did this" I felt tears stream down my cheeks. "It was Lucy" he looked at me then at the marks.

"are you sure it wasn't Zeref" he asked grasping for hope

"Even if it was, it was still Lucy who told him to" I couldn't stop crying. He lead me out of the infirmary and out in front of the guild. They all turned to see what was going on. Master had everyone's attention and he was starting to cry too. He started the announcement.

"Lisanna will survive." Everyone's faces went from worry to relief "But we have a new enemy today and she can't get away with hurting my child. From here on out Lucy is our enemy." There was a collective gasp and everyone cried like it was her funeral. 

Lucy P.O.V

I returned to my home, I had blood on my hands and I felt numb. I ran to wash the blood off my hands. Why did I do that, the rage was too much. Does it have something to do with the reason my hair has been turning black.


I was crying in my bed. I had lost my family and I couldn't leave this place. His words rang through my head, 'let me train you and we can bring down Fairy Tail together' I didn't want to become like him cold. heartless. I heard my door unlock and he stepped into my room.

 "Crying shows weakness, are you going to join me or are you a waste of my time."

"I'll never join you." I  still couldn't stop crying. he walked up to me and lifted me in the air by my hair.

"S-stop" I was struggling to be free of his grasp. He took my head and looked straight into my eyes.

"Tears show weakness""He threw me to the ground. A black sphere grew around him and as it engulfed me I was ready for pain, but non came. The blackness faded away and he looked shocked to see me. "I knew you were special, we start training tomorrow" he walked out and locked the door.

I walked towards my bed something in the mirror caught my eye. The tips of my hair was black, what in the world!

~end of flashback

Wendy P.O.V

Me, Levy and Erza headed to Levy's place because Makarov had said to not be outside of Fairy Tail alone. Then that scent hit me, Zeref's scent. I looked around and then followed the scent.

"Wendy where are you going?" Levy said following me along with Erza.

"I can smell Zeref" I said still following his smell.

"Wait, Master said he was to strong to fight" Erza said trying to stop me

"He's the one who made Lucy this way" I said not stopping. They followed silently and I came to a small clearing in the woods. Then someone came out into the clearing.

"Hello lady's" His voice sent chills down my back. In a second Erza was charging with a sword withdrawn. He easily dodged.

"Oh i'm not here to fight, just sending a message" I didn't let him finish.

"SKY DRAGONS ROAR!" I was careful not to hit Erza. Zeref flew backwards but landed gracefully with out a scratch.

"As I was saying a war is coming and i'd get ready if I were you, although I'm sure Lucy has already sent you a message." he gave a little chuckle and turned to walk away.

"Solid script: hole!" the word hole became a hole in front of Zeref but he merely leaped over it and waved bye. The trees and plants died when he walked past them.

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