Chapter 5:

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I dont think this one is very good, sorry. Please tell me what you think. Should I redo it?



We crouched behind a bush, it was another thorny one. A smoking heap was crumpled on the ground little more than seven metres away from us, its clothes were draped over over its body like rags, all torn and burnt. From here I couldn't tell whether it looked human.

"Yanto, you go round the back while I go straight up to it, find out if it's still alive, find out what it is and secure it. If anything goes wrong you're my backup." He looked back at the shouldering body, pity etched across his face, "poor thing, obviously had no protection, it must've really hurt."

"Too right Jack," came a muffled reply from the heap. Her voice was so dry it sounded like it had to be choked out. She moaned again then was silent.

We jumped up and grabbed our guns, I went behind as Jack had asked, I could see no more from this side then I could the other.

"Who are you?" demanded Jack.

No answer.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" he demanded again, "answer or I'll shoot."

From my side I saw her stir, I signalled to Jack but he had already noticed. A human hand came out followed by a perfectly normal arm, normal except both were burnt black, in places it was crisp and cracked, a silver liquid oozed out of the cracks and dripped onto the snow, melting it immediately.

I felt the sudden urge to vomit. With obvious effort she pushed herself up and let the remains of her clothes fall onto the snow. I let out a strangled squeak. She appeared to be human but it wasn't just her hand and arm that were burnt, her entire body was and what must have been long blond hair was all sizzled up so only a few tufts were left on an otherwise bald head.

Before she was standing she fell down again but Jack caught her just before she landed. She screamed when his hands touched her, pulling at her skin. She sobbed uncontrollably as he lowered her to the ground. "Oh you poor, poor thing, what were you thinking of? Doing that without protection."

"I, I don't normally need it," she murmured back. 

Jack opened his mouth as if to tell her off but then thought better of it. He gently lowered her to the snow then beckoned me over.

I fought back my repugnance with difficulty and went over to Jack who had distanced himself from the woman a little bit. She had closed her eyes and appeared to be asleep


We spun around, who had spoken? No one was there.

"Adrisa! Is that you? Oh no, what's happened?" The air shimmered to my left and suddenly a boy in his early teens appeared. He ran towards her and tried to dodge around me but I caught hold of his arm, he would've pulled me over if I hadn't let go from the shock of grabbing hold of a metal limb. It wasn't human. We raised our weapons and fired, the bullets stopped dead a half-metre away from it and dropped harmlessly into the snow.

"He's got a force field!" shouted Jack.

The boy seemed not to notice us, he knelt down next to the woman and pressed his hand to the woman's shoulder, she flinched. Her eyes flickered open.

"Chee," she whispered, "please, I need energy."

The boy nodded, his hand crackled with blue-white electricity, when he took it away a twisting, crackling rope of energy connected his hand to the woman's shoulder. They stayed like that for some in-numerable seconds, the strange thing was that the woman was getting electrocuted but she wasn't all tight and twitchy like she should be, she looked relaxed, almost ecstatic.

The Doctor's partner (a doctor who/animorphs crossover)Where stories live. Discover now