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This is going to be a bit different since it's revolving around Yeong and her trash brain process. Also, I don't recommend reading this if you're depressed or feeling down

Clock's ticking's infuriating, each second reminds me that I'm wasting my dear time in the principal's office. In return, I tapped on the desk in the rhythm of a song going through my head, professor furrowed his brows at my action and I pretended to be oblivious. I smiled victoriously after hearing a sigh of defeat. Finally, my mum barged in. Her heavy breathing and messy curls everywhere indicated she had to run because my school called her for no reason. Sure, waste her time, she doesn't have a family to feed or anything important at all

"My apologies, I had to finish some work and left as soon as I could"

"No worries, this shouldn't last long", professor answered and eyed me angrily. Mum sat across the table and asked what's the reason behind calling her

"Your daughter asked some inappropriate questions and disrespect her professor who was just trying to teach her class", I opened my mouth to call bullshit when my mum jumped in

"Excuse me, what does inappropriate questions mean?"

"Meaning she questioned the professor's authority in their own classroom"

"Yeong, is that true?", she finally turned to me and let me speak


"Are you implying I'm a liar?"

"No, I'm just saying you're not stating the truth"


"What? I can't defend myself?", mum sighed and leaned back in her chair

"What exactly did she say?", professor's eyes gleamed as he picked up a list of my questions and answers collected over a longer period of time

"When your professor stated that God created humans in His image, you responded with: He did a pretty shitty job", I snorted which earned me a sharp look from both the professor and mum

"Moving on, you asked your professor a series of provocative questions-"

"Objection, I was genuinely curious"

"Young lady, are you in a position to interrupt me? I don't think so. Also, I've been told you refused to say the prayers at the beginning of class, in your defence you said that you don't know them by heart. Homework is your duty as a student, therefore, there are no excuses for this"

"Shouldn't prayers be a way of connecting with god? Telling me my homework is to fake pray makes no sense and I stand behind that"

"I agree with my daughter. Honestly, I don't understand what's the reason behind this conversation. Does my daughter not have the right to express her opinions?", get him, mum,

"Miss, the rules are simple. We were all introduced to them as citizens of this country, please teach your daughter to obey authority. Otherwise, we'll be forced to expel her from our school to preserve our reputation. We will not tolerate blasphemy"

Now, I couldn't care less. But I know my mum got nervous and I hate even more my school for this. 

Our walk to the car was silent. I'll probably get my ass whooped for this when we got home. The car started to my surprise, I hope it doesn't stop in the middle of the road

"I can sense you're pissed off", I pointed out the tension and her stiff face as I stuck out my tongue to the school

"I'm just... exhausted from everything"

Boy Meets D.EvilUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum