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Naranasan mo na bang mahulog sa isang tao?

Naranasan mo na bang masaktan ng todo-todo?

Naranasan mo na ba?

Naranasan mo na bang pumasok sa isang relasyon na WALANG LABEL?

Yung WALANG kasiguraduhan kung may KAYO. Kung may IKAW AT AKO.

Naranasan mo na bang nahulog sa isang taong walang kasiguraduhan kung ikaw ba'y sasaluhin?

Bakit ba kasi tayo nasasaktan sa tuwing nakakadama tayo ng so called na 'pag-ibig' na 'yan?

Pwede ba tayong umibig ng di nasasaktan?

Na di nagpapakatanga?

Pwede ba?

Well ako, 'di ko din alam . Wala talaga akong kaalam- alam. But I want to tell you this, there's a man that I'm madly in love with.

I never met a man like him.
He's the man that every women ever dreamt of. True to his words.

He makes his woman happy and contented.

He's the man that worth fighting for. Possessive though sweet.

As time passes by,
I fall deeper and deeper.
Thankfully he catches me.


I can't handle the consequences being with him.

Everytime I saw him from afar and steal a glance from him, my heart shredded unto pieces that is so hard to be fixed again.

Should I let go or should I keep fighting?

Should I let go of all those sweet memories that we made?


Should I keep fighting even we're both hurting?

We crossed roads but we didn't stop. Instead, we continue walking far away from each other without looking back.

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