Friday pt. 1

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Mari's POV

I woke up at 5:00am, Tikki jumping on my face silently.
"Tikki..." I started, but she quickly covered my mouth with one hand (A/N: hand? Fin? Paw? Usually with ladybugs you'd say leg but that just feels weird... Idk lol) and gestured for me to be quiet using the other. I remembered that the rest of my class was asleep, and we don't want them to know I was leaving early. Not to mention, if they woke up to me talking to myself they'd be suspicious.
I carefully got out of bed and changed into comfy clothes, since I knew I'd get dressed in the castle. I checked my phone to see a text from Danny. "I'll be over soon. Are you ready?" I knew he wasn't talking about being dressed. He was asking if I was ready for my coronation. Truth is, I'm terrified. I'll be in front of thousands of people, but that wasn't even the scariest part. I'm used to that from being Ladybug. The scariest part was how my class will react. How Adrien will react.
I shake those thoughts out of my head before texting Danny back and gently waking Alya, being sure to keep her quiet as well. She changed, and we grabbed her dress before going downstairs. We saw Mrs. Bustier sitting on the couch with a coffee. She was waking the class up at 6:30 so I'm assuming she wanted some time to herself before she had a dozen teenagers depending on her.
"Mrs., we will be leaving soon, is that okay?" I asked politely. "Of course, girls. I won't see you again until the actual coronation at 10, so good luck. I know you'll do great." She said, standing up. I couldn't help but hug her. "Thank you, so much. For everything. You're the best teacher I could've asked for." She smiled gently. "You're welcome. Run along now. You've got somewhere to be" she winked. I smiled and nodded, then we walked out. Danny pulled up shortly after.
In the car, we laughed and talked the whole way. Danny and Alya knew I was nervous, so they tried to get my mind off the coronation. At one point, Alya asked Danny why he called me sunshine. "Well... Okay, we're going to get very personal here, but when I was little, my parents fought. A lot. They eventually divorced, which was hard, but I think the hardest part for me was listening to them argue very day. It didn't matter what it was, from one cheating on the other to someone leaving the faucet dripping. They'd end up screaming. Eventually I got sick of hiding in my room, so I'd sneak out my window and run to the palace, where Marinette lived. We'd go to the garden together and she'd let me cry it out. That's also where the holding hands thing came from. Anyway, one day in particular, a few months before Mari left, it was really bad for both of us. My parents were at it again, and she was getting her life threatened and people were talking about sending her away. So we were in the garden, and she still had a smile on her face. I asked her, 'how are you so positive all the time? It feels like the world is falling down around us and yet you act like nothing could go wrong. You're like a little ray of sunshine.' And it just kinda stuck. I have tons of nicknames for her, but sunshines my favorite. Because it reminds me to be positive, like Mari is."
We arrived at the castle and walked in, greeting my parents before going to the room where men and women were getting ready to prepare us for the coronation. We sat down and started with hair and makeup.

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