Monday cont./Tuesday

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Mari's POV

     I unhooked my arm from Alya's to knock, before returning it to it's original position. A few moments later, a maid opened the two large doors, recognized us, and bowed.
     "Welcome home, your highness. Your parents are in the thrown room, awaiting your arrival." She said, backing away to let us in.
     "Thank you." I said, returning the bow.
     We started walking toward the thrown room, Alya gasping at the castle interior. If it wasn't for my arm still looped in hers, she would probably have ran around like a maniac looking at everything. Danny and I chuckled at her excitement.
     Once we reached the doors to the thrown room, I pulled my two friends closer as nerves ran through my body. I know it's my parents, but I haven't seen them in several years, and I was nervous they wouldn't like who I've become. I'm a lot less formal than a princess usually is, since I have been a normal teenager for so long. Danny gripped my hand harder to snap me out of my daze.
     I let go of both Alya and Danny, shakily knocking on the door. I heard a faint, "come in!" From inside. I turned to my friends, saying, "just g-give me a moment." They nodded, and I walked in.
     Sitting on two large throwns, were my parents, just as I remembered them. Both smiling, tears building up in their eyes. "Mama, Papa...?" I whispered out. "Marinette!" They yelled, jumping up from their thrones as I ran to them. They enveloped me in a big group hug, pulling me closer. At this point, we were all crying.
     "I missed you guys so much." I whispered.
     "We missed you more." Papa spoke.
     After hugging for roughly 5 minutes, we all pulled away. I wiped my eyes, my wide smile matching my parents'. We spoke for a few minutes, before I remembered my friends waiting outside.
     "Oh yeah, Mama, Papa, there's someone I want you to meet. Her name is Alya, and she's my best friend. She's been with me through everything." They nodded.
     "Alya, Danny, you guys can come in now!" I said, just loud enough that they could hear me.
     They walked in, and both bowed. "Oh, there is no need for that," my mama said, waving her hand in dismissal. "a friend of Marinette's is a friend of ours. Alya, thank you for helping our dear daughter during her time away from home. And Danny, you're not working right now. You're like a son to us!"
     We moved into the formal sitting room to talk, laugh, and catch up. Around 9:30, we decided we better leave before Mrs. Bustier got worried. I hugged my parents tightly, and said our goodbyes, promising to see each other soon.
     We got back into the limo, and blasted music the whole way back to the place we're staying at. I danced like an idiot, and Alya and Danny laughed at me before joining in. I had a lot of fun, I'm so glad my two best friends in the world get along well.
     Once we arrived, I looked over at Danny and said, "are you coming in for a bit?" He chuckled a bit before saying, "I don't think your class liked me very much..."
     "Oh whatever. They were just shocked. They'll get used to you, since I'm dragging you everywhere this week. I've missed having my big brother around at all times." He laughed before agreeing to come in.
     That night, we spent most of the time introducing Danny to the class. By 11, they seemed to like him, but they were still unsure about something. That was, before Kim asked the question everyone was wondering: are we dating? We laughed before explaining to them our very close friendship, leaving out the part of Danny being gay. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He could come out to them individually if/when he wants to. Unfortunately Adrien wasn't in the room when we were explaining. I'm sure it'll be fine, though.
     After Danny left, we got in our pjs, and went to bed. That was easily one of the best nights of my life.

~Time skip to morning~

     I woke up to see four empty beds, which were filled by Alix, Mylene, Rose, and Julika the night before. (Chloe and Sabrina were put into their own room, since no one wanted to deal with them.) Alya was also missing, but she and I were sharing the only queen bed. I looked at the time on my phone, confirming that I had slept in late. Great...
     I walked downstairs into the dining room, which was filled with all of my classmates eating breakfast. I sat down by Alya, who greeted me good morning. We ate to the sound of chatter between everyone, joining into the conversation between bites.
     Mrs. Bustier walked into the room, already dressed. "Okay, class, settle down please. Now that everyone's awake, today we are going to have a calm day, since I bet a lot of you are still worn out from jet lag. We will start the day by watching a movie, then we will go swimming in the indoor pool, since it is very chilly outside. After that, we'll come back here to play board games. Sounds good?" Everyone agreed.
     I went to get dressed, putting my swimsuit on under my clothes.

(A/N: Her outfit, minus the glasses and backpack)I walked toward Alya, who had a similar outfit

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(A/N: Her outfit, minus the glasses and backpack)
I walked toward Alya, who had a similar outfit.

(A/N: Her outfit, minus the glasses and backpack)I walked toward Alya, who had a similar outfit

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     "Girl, you look so good!" She complimented. "Same to you!" I giggled.
     We watched The Bee Movie, per everyone's request. I knew they only liked it because it's become a meme, but I didn't complain. It was actually better than I remember. Afterwards, we went down to the pool, and everyone took off their overclothes.
     My swimsuit was a bikini with high-waisted bottoms, which were black with white polka dots, and the top was plain red. I saw Alya who was wearing the one-piece Lady Wifi swimsuit I had made her. It was a dark purple with a wifi symbol on the chest.
     As soon as Alya saw me, her jaw dropped.
     "Girl... What the heck... Where did you get ABS?!?" She yelled.
     'From being ladybug' I thought, but I couldn't say that. "I workout sometimes. Living in a bakery can get the best of you if you let it." I smiled. She still looked shocked, but accepted my answer. We walked over to the pool, everyone else already in. The rest of the class had a similar reaction to Alya's, and Alix and Kim weren't happy with my vague answer. We swam and splashed each other, having the time of our lives. I noticed Adrien staring at me a few times, but we both just blushed and looked away.
     "I think Adrien likes the abs, Mari." Alya teased. I laughed and splashed her, which started a splashing war between us. We accidentally hit Kim, who joined in. Soon, the whole class was attacking each other with water. Everyone except Chloe of course.
     After a few hours, we went back to the room for dinner and board games. We played Candyland, Menopoly, Checkers, Cover Your Assets, Pictionary, and more. By the time we were done, it was dinner time, and after that we all went to bed, even though it was only 8:00. We were all exhausted, and excited for tomorrow.

"Boy, what a day~"

(A/N) Heyyyyy.... I know it's been forever, and I'm sorry. I don't really have an excuse, I just didn't do it. But I'm hoping to start this book up again, and not have such slow updates. Since its been so long, I'm sorry if you notice any changes in my writing. I never stopped reading, so I picked up little things here and there to improve my own. Anyway, sorry the Tuesday part is so short and feels kinda rushed. It's meant to be a very relaxing day where not much happened, and honestly I didn't expect to make the second part of Monday so long, so the chapter was getting too long. Other than that, I hoped you enjoyed! Also, it's once again Magic_Sky_terrible 's birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, love y'all, byeeee!!!

Edit: All I did was make it so Adrien doesn't know that Danny doesn't like Mari in that way. I want to save that for later drama ;)

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