I tried to shove past Audrey, but she laughed and said, "Where you going?" I tried to lie, but I'm not very skilled in that area.
"I... uh...need to go to find my jacket." Even I cringed at my own lie. My jacket was literally visible from here. It was hanging on the back of my chair.

"Really?" She asked, amused, "Well, I found it. Stop trying to sneak away to that girlfriend of yours." She gave a me big grin and escorted me back to my table.

"She's not my girlfriend." I mumble.

"Sorry," Audrey laughed, "Looks like it. So you available?" She said that with complete sarcasm that I knew she wasn't being serious.

Unfortunately for me, there wasn't any good time to slip away and Audrey ended up sitting with us by encouragement from Mike and Chip. After dinner, the excitement was over and Erica disappeared without a chance for me to talk to her.


Morning rolled around and at breakfast, I looked for Erica. She was gone, but no surprise. I'll bet she's on the training course, ready to take on Audrey. Audrey, on the other hand, was stuffing her face with food. She didn't seem concerned about the fight, saying 'it's just for fun!'. She's probably the only one to think that.

After breakfast, Audrey and I walked to the Media Center together. She was holding her math homework and we were going to do it there so I could also work on my essay.

She slid the homework over to me. It was pretty complex:

The CIA wants to take out an enemy base. It is around 4,000 feet with buildings throughout. The CIA drops thermonuclear bombs with the standard weight of 2,400 pounds in the center of the complex. They want to cause the most damage but few casualties. How many bombs should it launch and how much damage and casualties would there be if it was in the middle of a weekday?

There were more like this, same thermonuclear bomb, but different building sizes and days of the week. I worked through all the parts with Audrey. While it was simple for me, she was struggling with it. In the end, I did most of the problems while she watched and the one's she did, I checked. There were five problems.

There was something nagging me about this homework, though.

"Wait, who did you say assigned this?" I politely asked.

Audrey gave me an annoyed sigh, but intended at the teacher. "Geaslin. We normally don't have homework like this. I was the only one in the class who got it. Annoying, right? All I did was comment about her horrible makeup and zombie look. Teachers are harsh."

Oh, so it was like my poisons essay. Make-up work as a punishment. That made sense why it looked like it was printed from a home, rather than school computer.

"Yeah, I got my essay by talking in class." I reply.

We work on her homework and completed it in plenty of time for her to train for her 1:30 finals fight. Though I declined, she helped me finish my poisons essay with her expertise on the matter. I asked her how she knew this and she said her friend is in my class and she was helping her with homework. I shrugged it off.


At one o'clock, the whole school collected in the gym. Normally, the fights took place in the training center, but since the whole school wanted to watch this one, we sat on the bleachers in the vast gym.

I wasn't paying too much attention because I was busy studying Erica's movements. For anything, really. Anything SPYDER-like. Anything suspicious.

The referee told them to start. The whole crowd roared in excitement. Erica's eyes were cold and Audrey's had a playful look in them, but I could tell it was going to be a good fight.

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