graphic entry ; rewrite the stars

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this graphic entry was made for mystical forest graphic con which was held in aff, again

blending wasn't my forte at all, but this time, ive enjoyed it

blending wasn't my forte at all, but this time, ive enjoyed it

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

comment your thoughts by the way? id love to hear them!! i highly appreciate critiques!!

also, join in that contest too!! theyre still accepting entries until new year strikes! click the external link for you to be redirected in the aff graphic con right away!

notes xxx

character used: kim lip of loona

quotes used: from the song entitled rewrite the stars by zac efron & zendaya

genre (most likely?): angst

lyn's note xxx

omygoshhhhh, im so proud of my blending skills (please be proud too XD) like guys, im not really used to this kind of graphic edit but fok, yes lemme curse, i just love this. im proud of ma self, i lab ma self!!!!!!

disclaimer : credits to rightful owners for the resources used, mostly theyre from deviantart

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