Chapter 7: Going Shopping

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In the morning, little Harry awoke to the sun shining brightly in his window. He smiled happily.

"Good morning, Harry." Remus greeted, walking into the room. Harry grinned and hugged him.

"Morning Remus." He said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He had slept a lot better than normal last night, even though he wet the bed.

"Hey Harry, ready for some breakfast?" Sirius asked, walking in the room fully dressed.

Harry nodded and soon he was sitting at the table with some toast, bacon, eggs and milk. Sirius had made break early today.

"Eat up bud, we're going shopping today so we can buy you clothes and toys and lots of fun stuff!" Sirius said joyously.

Harry smiled in excitement and began eating quicker, nearly choking on his food. Remus gently stopped him.

"Woah there Harry, not so fast now, the store isn't going anywhere!" He said with a laugh.

Harry blushed and ate more slowly. When he finished, Remus dressed him in a too-big shirt and raggedy jeans.

"Sorry pup, you'll have to wear this for now but we're getting you brand new clothes today!"

Harry nodded and let Sirius tie his shoelaces, which were tripping him up. "Ok pup, ready to go?"

Harry smiled and they walked to the car. That way, it would be easy to get all of their bags home.

Harry looked at the car a little nervously. Remus gently strapped him into the car seat in the back. Harry was shocked.

He'd never really been in a car that much and when he was, he'd never had a car seat! He felt a little safer.

On the way there, Harry didn't make a sound. That was something he remembered from the Dursleys.

When he was in the car, he was to remain completely silent and still, because he was a freak and freaks should be seen, not heard.

Remus looked back at Harry, noticing how quiet it was. "Are you ok back there Harry? You are rather quiet."

Harry jumped a little at Remus's voice and nodded. Remus smiled. "You can talk if you want to, you don't have to sit in silence."

Harry looked up. "I don't?" He asked. "But...I'm not allowed to talk in the car." Sirius frowned.

"You can talk if you want to Harry, why don't you tell us about that cartoon you were watching yesterday?" He suggested.

A smile appeared on Harry's face as he remembered the funny show he'd watched. He talked all about it the whole way there.

After about 10 minutes, they arrived at the store and grabbed a shopping cart. Harry was sat in the seat and buckled in for safety.

"Hmm, why don't we look at clothes first, Harry?" Remus suggested. Harry shrugged. He didn't know anything about shopping.

Remus pushed the cart to the kid's dress area and showed Harry the boy's shirts section. Harry couldn't help but look at them.

He had never seen so many different colors, fabrics and designs before! How was he supposed to pick!

"Take your time bud, pick out whatever you like." Sirius coaxed, noticing Harry's overwhelmed face.

Harry nodded and hesitantly picked out several different colored shirts, especially liking the ones with animals on them.

After picking out about 3 shirts, Harry stopped, decided that was enough for a freak like him. He placed them in the cart.

The godfathers looked in. "Harry, are you sure that's all you want, pup?" Remus asked, seeing the longing in Harry's eyes.

Harry shrugged. Remus and Sirius moved to a rack that Harry hadn't looked at yet and held up a few shirts.

"What about these?" Sirius asked. Harry nodded, indicating that he was wanted them. This continued until they had at least 20 shirts.

They did the same with pants, socks and shoes. Harry especially loved the velcro pair he'd gotten because they lit up.

Once clothes were done, they moved on to furniture. Harry had a dresser and a bed, but the sheets and pillows were rather plain.

"Hey Harry, why don't you pick out some sheets, pillows and blankets for your bed?" Remus suggested.

Harry flashed a confused look. "B-But, I have those things." He stammered, a little nervously.

Remus smiled. "Yes, but the ones you have are rather plain, you can pick some that you like."

Harry looked through the bedsheets and pillows. He decided on a red, fluffy blanket with a star shaped pillow and sheets with stars on them.

"Those look great bud!" Sirius praised, giving Harry a smile which Harry returned. They then headed towards the aisle with the toys.

Harry paused. He wasn't allowed to have toys. Besides, he'd bought enough already and didn't want to waste his godfather's money more.

They noticed him staring and knelt down beside him. "Harry, you can go pick out some toys, pick anything you want." Remus gently said.

Tears began to trickle down Harry's small face. "B-But, I already p-picked out s-so much stuff, I d-don't to be a
b-burden by sending your m-money."

Remus hugged Harry tight, making the little boy flinch. "It's ok Harry, please don't can have whatever you want, don't worry about how much it costs."

Harry sniffled. "R-Really?" He asked in disbelief. They nodded, wiping his tears away. "Yes, really!" Sirius smiled.

With that, Harry picked out as many toys as he could carry, not being able to resist all of the colors and shapes.

Then, shopping was done. They checked out and paid for it all, dragging numerous bags to the car.

"Good thing we brought the car, eh Mooney?" Sirius joked, playfully bumping Remus who laughed.

" let's get home!" Remus replied as they placed the bags in the trunk of the car and drove off.

Harry smiled. He talked the whole way home, slowly becoming more accustomed to car rides.

He couldn't wait to play with all of his toys!

A/N: Hey readers! Sorry for the long wait, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! More cute bonding and fluff moments on the way!

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Thx Enjoy😘😍


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