Kanda Gets Brave/ Teme Comes To Visit

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(No time)

Tyki had been having his underlings report to him on their duty's while he relished in the feeling of Kanda's hateful glare on his back, when suddenly he felt the inmates angry gaze disappear and he heard a small shout come from the raven hairs direction.

He'd watched with a smirk as Kanda yelled at the younger who was looking at him innocently, sheepishly replying, but was still somehow calming the angry Kanda. Tyki had been enjoying the little show, he couldn't hear what they said after the yelling had stopped but it was obvious Allen was winning their little argument, Kanda was openly struggling against giving into the boy.

Though his entertainment for the moment quickly went sour as he heard a snippet of what sounded like Japanese come from their conversation before Kanda seemed to try and hide himself from the other male. In a swift second Allen's arms rapped around Kanda and Tyki's mood took a steep downhill turn. Tyki deeply frowned as the hug was returned by Kanda.

What Tyki would have done to be in his place.

"You making goo-goo eyes at that snowy haired kid again?"

Jasdevi's voice cut through his thoughts like a knife through butter.

"Really Tyki, I don't get why your trying so hard for this kid, he can't be older than 21! and... I was afraid to say this before we were equals but... this ain't like you Teaks, is this really just so you can screw him a couple times?"

Tyki was quiet and he watched as the boys jump away from each other and then as Allen began to melt into a laughing fit on the ground before he answered.

"You should know better than that Jazzy."

Jasdevi scrunched up his face in confusion as he tried to understand the complicated male.

"All the work I've put into this, it's not just for a quick fuck, no..., it's about disrespect."


"You were there Jazzy! You know me! I might be a high strung decorated thug but I have somewhat of a conscious, you know those threats I made were empty! Usually when I spit out shit like that they let me do what I want to them but he punched me! And that kid had the audacity to go overboard with his fists! I couldn't eat solid food for two weeks for Christ sakes!"

Jasdevi rolled his eyes at his ex-boss, 'he always was a hypocritical asshole, claiming to hate empty threats while making them himself in the process.'

Tyki was all riled up now from the memory of the pain that had exploded in his jaw with that first punch. His blood had already been boiling from the scene in front of him, and he angrily gripped the edge of the steel table, violently gritting his teeth as he locked eyes with Kanda. The raven hair had joined Allen on the dusty ground and now sat with the others arm across his shoulders. Tyki could see the man's cockiness from where he sat, like it was printed on a billboard, and it made him grip the table even tighter.

What could he say? He was the jealous type. It was his downfall and it always would violently rear it's ugly head.

"If I can use that cocky bastard to hurt the disrespectful little shit, then I can get revenge for my physical pain by causing emotional pain, and if I'm lucky I can really push and get some ass on his rebound."

"His rebound?"

Tyki laughed at his apparently blind friend, "Can't you tell? Kanda's definitely already dug his claws into Allen, just look at them!"

He gestured to the two prisoners, who were just now moving from their positions on the ground,

"they've been acting like a couple of love struck teenagers all day, And when was the last time Kanda didn't flip out over someone touching him? never mind a hug! you'd have to be blind not to see the attraction!"

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