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Thank You So Much To Everyone That's Been Reading 😭❤
No Words Can Describe My Gratitude❤
Hope Y'all Enjoy This Chapter & Keep Reading🌼

Just a couple weeks ago. I remember i'd lie in my bed and feel so empty and sad and think to my self that I was completely alone.

But the truth was I was never alone.

All it took was a frown to have my parents instantly by my side trying to comfort me, and my friends..... They were only a message away.
Funny how only now, when I'm actually completely alone I realize that. My parents, my friends.. the closest they are to me now is in my head. The girls I spent the last 2 or 3 days with made it so much easier but now as I lay on this cold concert floor, shackled to a wall in only underwear I wished I'd have just died some quick death than be in this situation.

Feeling the needle piercing my skin was the last thing I remember before waking up confused and in pain. My body ached so much and I didn't even know why.

I wanted to do something but what could I have done??

I was completely helpless so I did the one thing I wasn't restricted from doing.

I screamed. Loudly.... From the depths of my soul and I didn't stop until my voice cracked and I started crying.

I cried and cried and cried for what felt like hours.

I guess I caught someone's attention  because soon enough I heard footsteps approach and I instantly regretted even opening my mouth.

I heard a door creek open then I saw feet coming down a staircase I hadn't  noticed before.
The room was dark so all I saw was a huge figure standing in front of me.

What the hell was going to happen to me?

I shut my eyes because if something was gonna happen I'd rather not have to see it coming.... I knew he was looking at me, I could feel his eyes on me and it made me sick to my stomach.

I opened my eyes no longer feeling his presence in front me... Except he was beside me, breathing on my neck, I screamed loudly and tried to scoot as far away from him as possible but the shackles prevented me from putting enough distance between us.

I started crying once again and he just got up and left.

I was relieved but sick.

I didn't know why he left without doing anything but he didn't BUY me to just listen to me scream all day....

He was going to hurt or rape me. I just didn't know when.

After exhausting myself from crying way to much I drifted of to sleep.

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