Alone together

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"Jumin I need you to come pick me up." He said with a shaky voice "you're busy...? Jumin please I'm in trouble... Yoosung's hurt I-" his face light up "you'll send a limo to come pick us up?! That's perfect! Yes- thanks~" he hung up and waited for it to arrive, he stoked Yoosung's cheek, he hoped for him to wake up soon so he can take Yoosung home once he assumes he's safe... but he shook his head. "It's best you stay somewhere safe... away from me... so this doesn't happen again..." he sighed and hugged the boy, his eyes filling up with his tears, he squints at the sight of a bright light shining in his eyes, it's the limo. It arrived quickly that's for sure.

With a grip he forced the door open and sat down, plonking Yoosung on his lap then slammed the door shut. He looked out the window, the lights of the lampposts brushing past his face as he quivers. He looks back at Yoosung, running his fingers through his soft fluffy hair. The temptation of this moment, to take advantage, but he didn't. He knows it's wrong of him and it would probably ruin the bond they had grown, but a part of him had always wondered what it would feel like to have his lips pressed against his own. They eventually arrived at Jumin's penthouse, he carried Yoosung in and put him on Jumin's bed then walked over to the window and looked out at the city, such a lovely view, all the different lights twinkling, a shame such a wonderful view for such a boring and lonely man. Seven picked up Elizabeth, and played with her a little, he didn't care he wasn't allowed. But something about breaking the rules made him feel free, he looked at Yoosung laying there and crawled over. He flopped beside him, then hugged the blonde boy. He felt completely fine with it, like he was made to be the one to have this role, but ever time he thought about it he became more eager. Seven leaned into Yoosung, inspecting his face, he didn't know what to do and how to take care of it. He didn't know if it was going to go well, but he's asleep... of course he didn't know better, but he felt like there were hands pulling him away from regret, he shrugged it off. And did what he must.

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