I'm here now...

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The silence of the room echoed, until it was interrupted with the violent crashing and clinking of metal, the red head boy looks up into the black hallway, the noise feels like it's getting fainter, the hallway having the illusion of it getting further away, until BAAM!

The door flung open, light filling every crack and crevice of the room. A small blonde hair boy walks in, and runs over falling to his knees placing his hand on the boys knee, a sense of worry about his eyes, "S-Seven thank god you're ok...!" Yoosung stuttered, but he shew no emotion. "Seven please talk to me...! I'm here it's ok..." his voice shook, pulling him into an uplifting hug. Turning Saeyoung's cheeks a rose colour, his eyes twinkling, hands slowly making their way up his back. Then hugged him.

"Seven you ignored me for ages it's ok... everyone is safe it's fine I promise...!" Yoosung nuzzles into his shoulder, "they hate me don't they...? All of them... I-" Yoosung interrupted Saeyoung's sentence "they don't hate you Seven don't be so stupid...!" Yoosung argues back, his grip getting tighter. Yoosung holds the boys face, wiping his eyes, "now please stop getting worried... we all love you the same I promise..." Yoosung sighs. Saeyoung gets distracted, seeing a figure walking down the hall, running their fingers along the wall, getting closer. "Yoosung...!" Before Saeyoung could warn him the figure knocks Yoosung out, him falling limp onto him. "I thought I got rid of you...! Stop hurting the people I love...!" Saeyoung stumbles to his feet, picking Yoosung up, opening the window with his nimble fingers. Sliding the window up and jumping out, running out into the darkly lit street, carrying Yoosung in a panic. No matter what his sins meet him... why...?

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