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*nicky's pov*

"now if you're too tired I can cancel all of this and I know you hate surprises" Luke said holding the door handle to the house

"I'm sure whatever it is I'll be happy with" I said as he opened the door as I walked in faces I love popped up before screaming "surprise" before songs began blasting and kensie came running up to me and handing me a cup with some sort of liquid in

"Here have your first drink" she said before smiling "well first legal one" she said as I quickly downed the liquid before trying to follow my best friend to dance before someone from behind me grabbed my arm. I turned around and saw luke looking concerned.

"go careful Nicky you haven't eaten much today I don't want you passing out because your body can't handle all the alcohol" he said before I hugged him

"God sometimes you worry too much Hemmings! I'll be fine I promise"

"And don't let anyone ruin your night" He said as I let go from the hug and ran off to dance with kensie and my other friends.


"How was the concert?" Ashton asked as me him Luke Calum Michael and kensie all sat round on the sofa talking and drinking whilst people carried on partying with me sat on Luke's lap kensie kept looking over and smiling causing me to shake my head.

"It was amazing I had so much fun"

"Did you enjoy it luke?" Calum followed up as I giggled remembering the kiss and the crouch conversation

"Ye-" he started before I cut him off

"Luke got a boner" I spat out before the other boys laughed and kensie looked shocked at what I had just said before I tilted my head back and saw the red faced boy looking extremely embarrassed.

"I need another drink" I said before standing up and holding my hand out for Luke to grab wanting him to come with me "come on luke" I said as he sighed

"Haven't you had enough Nicky" he stated as I rolled my eyes

"It's her birthday Luke chill out let her have fun" Michael said as I nodded and folded my arm

"Exactly let me have fun grandad"

"Fine whatever but I'm going to bed" he said as I frowned

"Why are you being so boring" I said as he walked away towards the stairs

"Because I don't want to see you as a drunken mess now goodnight nicky" he snapped as I walked in the opposite direction towards kensie dragging her up off the sofa as I went past

"We're getting a drink! We don't need him to have fun"


"So luke got a boner?" She said as I poured another shot of vodka before downing it

"Yes I was swaying in his arms and all of a sudden it happened and he didn't want me to sway anymore" I said now poring a cup of an alcohol substance I didn't really know but would drink anyway

"Nick maybe you should slow down" kensie said as I shook my head and carried on drinking "Nicky seriously your gonna be ill" she said as I finished the cup and began pouring a new cup before she walked off leaving me lonely with the bottles

Minutes later I saw a tall frame walking towards me in a hoodie in joggers instantly knew it was luke

"Come on nicky lets go upstairs you've had enough literally no one is here now there's no need to drink anymore" he said before taking my hand

"You're gonna have to catch me Hemmings" I said before letting go of his hand and running out of the kitchen and towards the front room

"Seriously your 18 not 8" he said running after me making me giggle before I tripped over the mat in the hallway causing Luke to catch up with me and pick me up and throw me over his shoulders before making his way towards the stairs

"Luke I'm gonna be sick" I said as he placed me down before opening the bathroom door and following me in to make sure I didn't choke on my own sick
As I bent down and began throwing up I felt my hair being lifted and his hand rubbing up and down my back

"You'll be fine" he said "this is what you get for partying too hard though" he said as I slightly laughed

"It's fine luke throwing up let's me lose the weight I've put on from eating today"

"Nicky please don't say that" he said before kissing the top of my head and passing me a tissue to wipe my mouth with.

"Let's get you to bed"

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