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*nicky's pov*

"Okay open mine next" Luke said passing me an envelope with my name on

"You just got me a card" I said sarcastically as he pushed me slightly

"Open and read" he said as I slowly opened the envelope as he sighed "hurry up Jesus Christ"

As I pulled out the card i smiled looking at the picture of me and Luke from when we were younger and neighbours the photo was taken the day he left to move out of our little town into London he was 18 I was 14 both stood outside our houses smiling awkwardly. As I opened the card a paragraph was obvious

"You written me an English essay Hemmings"

"Just read it nicky"

'Happy birthday loser, I've known you wayyyyy too long luckily for us our parents were friends so you've been blessed with my presence since birth and we all know I've always brought you the best presents ever, like that one time I forgot your birthday when you turned 8 so gave you a worm and you kicked me but for your 18th I wanted to do something special so because you've only ever seen me and the boys play live, tonight we're going to see the vamps just me and you at a the vamps concert love you lots Lucas x'

"Your lying" I said throwing the card at him

"Why would I make that up" he said as i threw myself at him giving him the biggest hug

"I love you Luke Hemmings"

"Go get ready properly nick we've got a long day" he said as I smiled and walked off "oh and be quick we're all going out for food" he said as I nodded


"Don't feel like you have to eat loads" luke whispered to me as we sat down slowly and he placed his hand on my thigh

"Don't worry I'll be fine" I said giving him a reassuring smile
Everyone ordered their big breakfasts and left me to order last all eyes on my I suddenly felt anxious I felt sick and the empty feeling that hadn't been here for months returned suddenly I heard luke speak up. Ordering was harder than actually eating sometimes. I never want the waiter to judge me for what I choose to order so it's easier not to order.

"Do you have any jam toast?" He asked making me grin and forget everything i was previously thinking as he'd remembered what I used to love as a child and have started to love again

"Thanks" I whispered as he nodded

"It's alright I don't want you to panic"

"So what are the rest of you doing today" I asked as they all shrugged

"Haven't decided yet to be honest" Ashton said as Calum nodded

"Yeah probably just go with the flow" Calum said

Go with the flow in the many years I've known the kiwi boy I never thought I'd ever hear him say just go with the flow.

"Guys have you forgotten we've got to organise the pa-" Michael started before kensie hit his arm causing him to whine in pain as the food cane out. The amount of food in everyone's plates made me feel sick I tried focusing on something else like my own food but the smell of baked beans and Luke's bacon was enough to make me physically sick.

"I'm just going to stand outdoors for a bit I need a minute" I said as they all nodded respecting and understanding my decision. I was obviously out their longer than I thought because Luke came out with water and my jam toast in his hands

"I brought you your favourite breakfast " he said as I nodded

"I know I just don't really wanna eat in there" I said as he nodded understanding that I was only really comfortable eating in front of close friends and sitting in a restaurant was seriously overwhelming for me and neither me or Luke had realised yet

"I'll get it put into a takeaway box then we can leave just me and you" He said before hugging me and leaving me alone in the cold November air

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