"A New Girl?" Ein X Reader #6

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Crystal is a fragile and patient student from Phoenix Drop. Her life was going nowhere until she meets Ein and Blaze. Blaze, a strong, beautiful werewolf with the tenancy to make her laugh as a child but then moved from Pheonix Drop to Tu'la.

Ein hopes Crystal will take an instant liking to you as you are close and a childhood friend of Ein. She learnt during her years in Tu'la she'd meet a girl just as strong as her that would stay by her side and protect her like the prince's she loved.

However, a memory pops to her head when a meif'wa tries to drive her and Blaze apart, Gene is no help, Gene just stood laughing at her. Her memory begins to fade from that point on. What if that meiwfa comes back? Crystal shook her head "I Will See Them Again! I'm Coming Blaze, Ein!"

Crystal walks in and sees Ein with a girl? "Ein?" Crystal calls enthusiastically. Ein spins around and his smile grows wider than the Cheshire Cat. "Crystal!!"

When Ein starts to run toward Crystal a certain meif'wa appeafs, Michi, she threatens to come between them, Crystal knew what Michi was capable of and has to act fast. But will she ever find the love of her life that she once new?

~Congratulations bobcats- for being in this chapter with your character Crystal! Don't worry I will add more characters soom~ Byee xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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