The Blood Goddess' blessing

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After fueling up, P2 went to the back of the vehicle to wake up Luke and Juliet, who were sleeping silently in the backseat.

"Hey guys, up and at em'", he said, gently nudging them.

"5 more minutes, mom...", Luke mumbled, snuggling deeper into Juliet's lap.

Juliet woke up shortly after feeling the shift from the halfdemon boy. "I haven't gotten a goodnight sleep like that in years..." , she yawned. "Where are we"?

"Just got through fueling up at this gas station. We're gonna grab some breakfast, and then go to your mom's, k?", P2 explained, getting in.

"Oh, I could go for a bite to eat. What about you, Luke"?

Luke still didn't budge. Chuckling, P2 started up the engine, and plotted a route to the nearest diner. Along the way, he wondered if they'd actually get to their destination.
He remembered before they even started the journey, Jack was busy looking for where Juliet's mother was being stationed, currently.
Since she was a doctor, she was sent to help the sick in another country, but that was far away, last time he heard.
But this was no time to worry, especially since Jack was working the case. He'd just have to trust that he'd find the best route to take.
After arriving at the diner, they filled their stomachs, and were off, not wanting to waste any more time in case trouble started tailing them again.
Just then, Jack appeared on the monitor.

"Morning, guys! Are you all set?", he asked.

"We've got full tanks on both counts!", P2 replied. "Were you able to find Mrs. Summers"?

"Took a while, but I was finally able to get a bead on her location. She, and a team of doctors and nurses are currently being stationed in the country of Maokansen. A lot of people there got the sniffles".

"Colds?", Luke asked.

"More like the flu on steroids... Erm, it'd probably be best if you and P2 stay in the car when you get there. In all the chaos, you might get it, too. It probably goes without saying, but Juliet is probably the only one who can enter there without being infected".

"J-just me, by myself??", she asked with nervousness in her tone.

"Them's the breaks. However, and that's considering you don't mind, if gave your blood to your mom, maybe she could synthesize an antidote to counter act the disease, thus making it ok for them to get out".

Juliet remained quiet. She was instantly reminded of the times when her dad would take small doses, and sometimes pints of her blood to sell for his own profit, keeping her locked up in the process.
Was her past repeating itself once again? Would she be in the same predicament as she was before, with no way to get out???
As the thoughts swelled in her mind, P2 said his thoughts.

"Hey, if she does manage to make an antidote, they could use that from then on, and you'd never have to worry about giving out any more blood!", he announced.

"You'd be free to do whatever you wanted, Jules!", Luke chimed in.

"Yes... Yes, I would be, wouldn't I?", she said, starting to smile. "If anyone could do it, my mother could. She's a good doctor, one of the best"!

"Then without further ado, strap in, get ready to go to Maokansen!", Jack replied, punching in the coordinates!

Shortly after, wings deployed from the vehicle, and the engines roared! The group strapped in, and were rocketed into the sky once again. This time to Maokansen!
The flight was pretty quick, but smooth. Along the way, P2, Luke, and Juliet marveled at the sights as they flew passed. some
It was short, but sweet. Jack really didn't mess around when building his creations.
As they drew closer to their destination, a warning light appeared near the monitor with some text appearing on screen:

"Warning: The upcoming location is contaminated by an airborne virus. Extreme caution is advised when leaving this craft".

"I'm activating the hatch", Jack said. "With this, Juliet should be able to slip and out without the virus getting in to you guys. But if it does... Juliet, could you help them"?

"It would be my pleasure", she nodded confidently.

"I see people down there!", Luke replied, pointing at the window. "And a bunch of tents. They camping"?

"That's where they put the sick", P2 explained. "Everyone here is wearing those biohazard suits to keep from getting infected".

"Will I really be ok down there?", Juliet asked.

"You have unnaturally strong antibodies. You'll be just fine", Jack reassured her.

As they touched down, P2 and Luke gave Juliet a pat on the shoulder for good luck. Nervously, she stepped through the hatch, and then, out the door.
Upon the first breath, she felt a tickle in her nose, causing her to sneeze. P2 and Luke held their breath, hoping she didn't get infected!
But soon, their fears were put to rest, as she waved to them. She was fine!
More confident than ever, she boldly walked into the camp. As she grew closer, she remembered what the Children of Blood called her: The Blood goddess. In some ways, I guess it might've been true, she thought to herself.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing here, miss!?", a person in a hazmat suit called, running over. "Don't you know this section is under quarantine?? You could get sick within seconds"!!

"Do you know where Dr. Summers is?", she calmly asked.

"Didn't you hear what I said"!?

"I heard, but sir, I'm immune"...

" ...You're immune? A-are you sure"???

But he saw that it was true: Juliet showed no symptoms of getting sick like the people of the area were. He was simply awestruck!

"W-who did you say you were looking for, ma'am?", he asked, now calmed down.

"Dr. Summers, first name is Ellen", she explained.

"O-oh, sure! P-please, right this way"!

As Juliet followed, she saw the tents, and people in hazmat suits hurrying back and forth through them. Among them was a woman who was carrying a tray of medicine to another doctor.

"Please give this out, it should dull the pain for a few hours", she said, coughing slightly.

Juliet titled her head curiously. "Mom?", she asked.

The woman stopped. The voice sounded somewhat familiar, but yet so different... As she turned around, she saw this young woman that looked almost like the little girl she had left home so long ago...

"Julie.. Could that really be you???", she asked, slowly making her way over to her.

Juliet began to do the same, trying to piece her memories together of her mother. Ellen began to place her hand on her daughter's cheek to get a good look at her. But suddenly, she abruptly pulled back!

"D-don't come any closer! I may have contracted the sickness that has been infecting this area!", she exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hands!

"Mom, I can't get sick", Juliet started to explain. "My blood can heal sicknesses, as well as injuries".

"That's a nice dream, but"-

"It's true! See for yourself"!

She held out her arm, gesturing to her to try. Ellen took her arm hesitantly, and took out a syringe to extract some of her blood.
When she finished, she looked at her again. Juliet nodded as if to tell her it was ok. The pair walked into a tent where a patient was laying down, looking too weak to live.
Ellen administered Juliet's blood directly into a vein in his arm, and waited. The patient coughed twice, and his symptoms, one by one, started to diminish!

"T-this can't be real..! Honey, how long have-!? N-no, questions can come later! We have to get this to the others!", Ellen declared! "Please help us aid these people"!

"Y-yes, of course!", Juliet answered, surprised at how quickly her mother was focused on healing the sick. She really did want to be like her as a child, and now she could do it!

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