Red Rumble

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Giving his hand, P2 helped Juliet down the steps, and exited the room. With the mission complete, all that was left to do was to get Luke, and leave.

"Are you sure Luke will be ok? You did leave him all by himself, and he is just a boy", Juliet asked in a worried tone.

"You serious? Luke's fine, trust me. He was fighting off full-blooded demons way before I knew he even existed!", P2 replied confidently.

And as if on cue, a member of the Children of Blood came flying past them, and into a nearby bookshelf!

"See? The only thing I'm worried about is that he'll be enjoying himself too much"!

Meanwhile, Luke had basically all the ambush party against a wall, trying desperately to not get anywhere him.
It was times like this that he kind of enjoyed being half-demon.
He grinned as he inched closer to the terrified people; who were practically scratching on the wall to get away!


"You mean her?", Luke asked, pointing to Juliet who had finally came around the corner with P2. "...Alright. Hey Jules. Are you gonna put me in my place"?

She blinked in confusion. "Uh, what? Do you mean put on your seatbelt when we leave? Because I can if you want".

"Really though, I thought you'd wanna do it yourself, dude", P2 shrugged.

The Children of Blood jaws dropped in shock when they heard that.

"Is this some kind of joke"!?

"Why is she talking to that demonspawn like it's her friend"!?


That's when they heard a voice shout: "ENOUGH"!!

Everyone turned their attention to the ascending staircase. The elder of the Children of Blood began to walk down, carrying a strange-looking staff.
P2 tilted his head curiously, and motioned for Juliet to step back. He and Luke stepped forward for every step the elder took to descend.

"How could you all display such cowardice, especially in front of our Blood Goddess!?", he scolded the members. "Have you learned nothing from my teachings"?

"B-but Father Otis!", one began. "The Blood Goddess has sided with the ruffians who kidnapped her"!

"You delirious fools! Do you not know that she is in her human-state? And that, just like any other human, can be manipulated??? If we want to release her, we must defeat these blasphemous urchins to break their hold on our beloved Blood Goddess"!

"...You can't be serious, old man", P2 said in disbelief.

"We're trying to free her from you nutcases. You really think she wants to stay here and be touched all over by you weirdos?", Luke added with a disappointed look on his face.

"If it's alright with you, I'd rather not be here another second longer", Juliet chimed in. "By the way: Not a goddess. Just making that clear".

"Oh, my child... What kind of heinous torture have they put you through?", Otis sighed sadly. "I shed tears for you, as you have shed tears for us"...

The other members started whimpering, and some actually started crying.
P2, Luke, and Juliet just looked in shock. They really couldn't bring themselves to believe that she wasn't a real goddess, and were literally crying for no reason at all.
Just then, the three maidservants rushed out from the other room!

"Guys! Listen! She really isn't a goddess!", the first one shouted.

"Yeah! It's just a mutation, that's all!", the second added.

"We need to let her leave so she can live her own life! We'll be fine!", the third explained.

"BE SILENT!", Otis yelled, and fired a unworldly shockwave from his staff at them! The three flung backwards, hitting their heads, and were knocked out cold.

"What did you do that for!?", P2 shouted angrily. "They were one of your own"!

"You're starting to annoy me, old man", Luke growled. "I think you should go home before catch a bad case of Butt-Whoop".

Otis struck the ground with his staff. "I don't know what you two did to our maidservants, but I assure you won't get away with your crimes... I shall punish you myself"!

Meanwhile, Juliet had ran over to the three unconscious maidservants. They were still breathing; so she decided to watch over them while P2 and Luke got down to business.
Otis waved his staff, and fired a red bolt of lightning at the two, knocking them back! They immediately jumped up, and took a defensive stance!

"Ok, this guy's not playing around... If we're not careful, he could actually kill us", P2 said in a hushed tone.

"So what do we do?", Luke asked. "I don't think he'll stop even if Jules begged him to".

As they were murmuring, Otis charged another bolt attack, snapping the two out of their planning! They quickly dodged both directions to avoid being hit.

"Alright, I'm assuming he can't hit us simultaneously. Maybe if we split up, and both gun for him, y'know? One of us has to nail em', right?", P2 explained, keeping an eye on the weathered old man.

"Sounds good to me. Let's do it!", Luke replied.

"I don't know what you two are whispering about, but whatever it is, it won't save you from me!", Otis yelled.

Just then, the two split up, and started running towards the elder! Looking at them both, he held his staff up, charging another attack!
But he didn't know who to go for, and they were getting closer and closer! Knowing he needed more time to focus on a decisive blow he used his shockwave ability to knock them both backwards!
P2 rolled back into the organ, while Luke tumbled back into one of the big curtains far across the room!

"You think you two can outsmart me with your little tricks?", he laughed. "Don't flatter yourselves! I'm older, and MUCH wiser than you whelps! Now release your gridlock from our Blood Goddess, and I'll grant you a fast and painless death"..

"How about you go soak your head?", P2 replied, standing back up.

Enraged, Otis began to shoot bursts of shockwaves at P2, knocking him over, and further down the aisle! Every time he would try to stand, the elder would blast him again.
Juliet watched in horror as she witnessed this..

"Stop it!! Don't hurt him anymore!", she pleaded. "He's my friend, I beg you"!

"It will all be over soon, my Blood Goddess", Otis smiled, and continued to blast him more and more!

"NOO! P2, get up! GET UP"!!

But unbeknownst to them both, it was all part of his plan...
As Otis enjoyed beating down on P2, Luke had snuck out of the curtains, and kept in the shadows...
He slowly crept up on Otis, laying as low as he could...

"And with this last strike, the evil shall be put to death, and the Blood Goddess will be free!", the elder cried, raising his staff.

As lightning began to crackle from the staff, a tendril grabbed it, and snatched it back; causing Otis to stumble back and fall!

"I'll take that", Luke said, twirling it around. "Not so tough without your toy, are ya old man"?

"NO! It cannot end this way! Give it back! Give it back, I say!!", Otis yelled.

Luke narrowed his eyes on him, and sighed. "Alright, if you say so".

And with a quick swipe, he bonked him upside the head, knocking him out.

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