11 | one by one, we all fall

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In the Skype screen, the brunette looked a lot better than she had in previous video chats, a little livelier than the living zombie she had been following the fateful birthday party. Rory hadn't been able to catch up with her best friend since before she found out she was pregnant. Needless to say, Bella was both excited and worried for Rory.

"I meant, you and Roman. What are you, define the relationship, Rors," Bella clarified with a shake of her head. "You're having his baby. You chose to stay there instead of coming back home..."

"No offense, but Forks isn't home for me. Not anymore," Rory cut in before Bella could continue. "And Roman and I...we're together. I think..." she trailed off unsurely.

"You really haven't changed," Bella shook her head again. "What's his favorite color?"

"Uh, I don't know?" She made a face, "Red?"

Bella gave her a disapproving look. "Parents need to be on the same page. If my parents actually spoke to each other, communicated, maybe they wouldn't have gotten divorced."

"I'm sure our kid isn't going to care if I know Roman's favorite color or not," Rory deadpanned.

Bella was determined though. "What if he or she asks you your favorite thing about Roman? Or what you two like to do-hooking up is not exactly a good answer." From Bella's personal experience, she strongly believed that parents needed to work things out before bringing a baby into the situation for everyone's overall happiness.

"Geez. If I wanted this conversation I would've asked my mother." Rory snorted. "Roman and I work-we don't need to overcomplicate things."

"Rory. You can't close yourself off forever," Bella gave her a serious look. "You like this guy, he likes you, you're literally having his child, but you need to get to know each other and not just in the biblical way."

"Okay, mom," Rory answered sarcastically.

Bella sighed and smiled.

"What?" Rory asked.

"In a few months, that'll be you-you'll be a mom." Bella's eyes bugged out and both girls laughed.

They continued to catch up for another half hour before Bella had to go make dinner. Alone again, Rory sighed. Rory debated texting Roman, Bella's words playing in her head. Sure she didn't know everything about Roman and it would be nice to talk about things beyond their baby or his family drama or the ongoing murder mystery. But Rory didn't want to rush anything more than things already were. Even with that in mind, she pulled out her phone anyways.

hey, are you busy tonight?

Within a minute, her phone buzzed. She felt oddly nervous for some reason, her cheeks heating up as she read the message.

No. Is something wrong?
Is the baby ok?

baby is fine
im just bored
do you wanna hang
or get food maybe

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