Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"AND WHY DO I HAVE TO TAKE HER?" I heard Caroline scream at Jack.

"BECAUSE I HAVE TO GO TO WORK!" Jack yelled back at her.

Ah, Jack and Caroline, my wonderful guardians. Of course, I lost the number of times they asked me to call them 'mum' and 'dad'. But every time I do, it just doesn't feel right. They aren't my biological parents, both of them died shortly after I was born and I don't remember anything about them. Caroline and Jack don't like to talk about my real parents, but I think that's because they don't really know either.

I listen to them fight and argue to who was going to take me to the train station. Apparently I am a witch and going to a school of magic, but that didn't settle too well with Caroline or Jack. They always walk on glass when I'm around, like they are afraid that I will turn them into warty toads or something but that still doesn't stop them from yelling or hollering at me.

The door slammed downstairs as Jack walked out of the house not a second before I heard Caroline screech my name, "Violet! Get down here! We are leaving now!"

I sighed and grabbed my trunk and walked out of the room and down the steps into a frustrated Caroline. Caroline's usually controlled curly black hair was starting to frizz and her ice blue eyes were completely covered in hatred with no hopes of them thawing out.

How do people think that I am related anyway to her and Jack? I've been asking that for years now. Both of them had dark hair and while Caroline had blue eyes, Jack had dark chocolate ones, nothing at all like eleven year-old me. I had blonde hair with, well, violet eyes, hence my name. Both Caroline and Jack were extremely tall and I was extremely short for my age, but I do look tougher than I look.

"Let's go!" she barked at me and threw my trunk if the back of her car and me following after it. Not thrown, of course. Luckily Jack and Caroline's house is only a few minutes to the station, so I wasn't trapped in the car with her for long.

"What was the platform number again? Was it ten?" Caroline asked as we got out of the car.

"The ticket says Platform 9 and ¾," I replied.

Caroline snorted and said, "There is no such thing! Now, just call me if you need me to come back and pick you up because there is no such thing."

"But that's what- wait you're leaving me here!" I exclaimed.

"I promised Julia Ralph to pick her up at the airline. Have fun!" And with that Caroline drove her car away from the station leaving me here.

I must have been standing there for a while because some people were looking at me strange. Groaning and muttering how stupid and selfish Caroline is, I pushed the trolley that carried my trunk to look for the platform.

"Platform 7," I muttered. "No. Platform 8, nope." I stopped between the two platforms. "Platform 9 and 10, so where are you 9 and ¾?"

I looked around me, looking for anything, anybody, when I spotted him: black messy hair, glasses, and a snowy white owl in his trolley. The boy was talking to one of the station guards before walking away with a confused and frustrated look on his face.

"Hey!" I called out getting his attention. I pushed my trolley up towards him. "Are you looking for Platform 9 and ¾?"

"Yes I- how did you know?" he asked.

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