A Winter Without Snow

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It was winter break, and Mom decided to go on a vacation for once! Mom was the one who chose, and I didn't mind her choice one bit. She chose to go to Alola!

Currently, I was out with Hau, Lillie, and Gladion.

"What's in Melemele Meadow? We've been here before, Amelia." Lillie was probably the most confused out of everyone, because I was with her when I looked around the meadow.

"I was showing my mom nice sights on Melemele Island, and we walked through here. When we were walking around, I noticed a hole in a hill that was big enough to crawl through! I wanna see if it leads to anything." I explained. "I don't know about you guys, but I haven't checked out Ten Carat Hill before, either."

"Ten Carat Hill? That's the place where Professor Kukui caught his Rockruff! We might come across one!" Hau exclaimed.

"Let's focus on where we actually are. Melemele Meadow. Amelia, do you remember where this hole was?" Gladion asked.

"Yeah, it's right at the end!" I led them to the small opening. "Now, who's going in first?"

"Well, since you were the one who took us here... You should go first, Amelia!" Hau cheerfully said.

"What if something eats me?!" I exclaimed.

"I'll be right behind you," Gladion assured.

"Wow. What a man. Offering to go second." I rolled my eyes. "I see how it is. I'll be the brave one, then." I got down on my knees and crawled through the hole. Gladion followed after me, then Hau, and finally Lillie.

"It's a little chilly in here," Lillie said, "and it feels kind of ominous, too."

"Hau, do you know anything about this place? You live here on Melemele, after all." I queried.

"It doesn't look too familiar to me. My gramps hasn't ever talked about any caves on Melemele, I don't think." Hau replied.

"Aren't you glad you came with? This place is mysterious! Let's move on." I walked on and came across two different paths. One way was through water, which looked to be about knee deep, and the other was a slope going downward.

"Amelia and I will take the water way." Gladion makes the shots, despite me having to go in first... He also gets my room!

Oh. I should explain...

Gladion wanted to go to school with me, as this was when summer was nearly over, so he told his mom that the day before Lillie and her left for Kanto. Lusamine approved, as she didn't want Gladion to go any longer without a guardian looking out for and taking care of him. Mom, as crazy as it sounds, let Gladion stay over at our house, even though she hadn't even gotten the chance to meet his mom! I had to move into Mom's room, and Gladion took my room, since him in Mom's room would be completely weird... I was rooming with my mom, and Gladion had my room to himself... He's been in our house since we got back from Alola the first week of August. Now, of course, was winter break, and he's been staying with us for almost four months.

School so far has been good. Gladion was placed in 7th grade with me, since he hasn't gotten a proper education since he was 12, which is the age you'd be in to be in 7th grade. We had a few classes together, which were Math, P.E., Lunch, Study Hall, and Exploratories.

Anyways, back to what's happening now!

"Sounds good, Amelia?" I had spaced out, and I now have no idea what Gladion was asking me about. Was he still talking about us taking the water way?

"Uh, yeah," I replied. Hau and Lillie gave us a nod and headed down the slope.

"You definitely spaced out just then," Gladion commented.

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