Girl Meets the Forgotten

Start from the beginning

A roll gets thrown at her. "No throwing rolls." Miss Thompson yelled. I and recieved some potatoes. "Thanks Miss Thompson. How's your day been?" I asked. "It's been just fine, thanks Kayden." She replied and smiled. "Well she's in a good mood today." Riley said. I looked over and saw Lucas and Farkle making a mash potato volcano. "That's the happiest I've seen her. I don't care what elective we get as long as we end up in," Maya started. "Dun-dun-dun." Farkle sang. "Cafeteria duty." I said. We all shuddered.

Everyone knew cafeteria duty was the scariest elective to receive. "Do you guys actually ever eat the food?" Dad asked. "No." Farkle, Lucas. Maya, and Riley answered. "Eh, sometimes." I said. Dad nodded and walked away. "Hey how do you guys actually make this thing erupt?" Maya asked. She stuck something into the volcano.

"Maya don't! She's gonna blow!" Farkle shouted. Mash potato slowly ran out of the volcano. "Why do they build their villages so close, why?" Riley asked. The bell and we all got up to leave.

"Hey, hey, hey. Where're you guys going? What's the rush? Geralyn, janitor Harley can you come over for a minute?" Dad asked. Miss Thompson and janitor Harley came over and stood him. "So you guys don't think you should have to clean any of this up?" Dad said and nobody answered. "Geralyn, do they realize when they waste their food like this it makes you feel bad?" He questioned her. "I feel bad." Miss Thompson told us.

"And janitor Harley, do you think they realize that when they make a mess in the cafeteria it makes you feel bad?" Cory asked. "I actually feel I deserve what I get. But I have all kind of different issues." Janitor Harley said. "You know in just a few minutes you guys played with your food and you left a mess without any regard or respect for anyone else, except for one of you." Dad said. "It's not just us." Maya defended. "I know and you're the good ones." Dad replied. "I'm gonna go ahead and assign you your electives now. Girls, Kayden you elective will be, and I don't think anyone saw this one coming." He said. "Oh no." Riley said.

"Cafeteria duty." Dad told us. "How ya doin?" Miss Thompson asked hugging us. "I've been better." Maya answered. Maya, Riley, and I went into the kitchen, received our uniforms, and then went into the locker rooms to change.


Maya, Riley, and I walked back into the kitchen. "Hey pretty lunch lady and handsome lunch man." Maya said. "You are killing this thang." Riley told Maya. "Yeah, you both look good." I said. We stopped and flipped our hair behind out shoulders. "Stop it." We said in unison. "What about me? Am I not the cutest thing ever?" Miss Thompson asked. Riley walked towards Miss Thompson. "Actually these are being worn on the back of the head this season." Riley explained fixing the hair net. "I have my own distinct sense of fashion." She shouted. Riley came back to her original spot.

"Welcome to the cafeteria." Miss Thompson told us as she poured out a bag of potatoes. "We have a lot of fun here and by fun I mean potatoes and by potatoes I mean we peel them and by we, I mean you." "Well this actually doesn't seem so bad. There's more aren't there?" Riley said. "Look behind you scare crow." Miss Thompson told her. "Oh I have a nickname." Riley said then she turned to see the potatoes.

"That's a lot of potatoes." Riley said pointing at the potatoes. "When you have completed the peeling of the potato, you place the potato in the pot that is all you do." Miss Thompson told us. "Now I will finish preparing tomorrow's lunch, you will do what?" She asked. "Peel the potatoes." Riley told her. "Put them in the pot." Maya told her. "that is all we do." I told her. "What do you do?" Miss Thompson asked again. "Peel the potatoes." Riley said. "Put them in the pot." Maya said. "that is all we do." I said. "What do you not do?" Miss Thompson asked. "Anything else." I answered.

"I believe we have communicated, except one thing." Miss Thompson said. "This is a one week class for you for a grade, but this is my world and I care very much about what happens back here. Understand?" She said. "Yes Miss..." Riley started. "Thompson." Miss Thompson and I finished. Miss Thompson looked at me and gave a small head nod showing her gratitude. "Thompson, sorry." Riley apologized. "We should've known that." Maya said.

"Mmm hmm." Miss Thompson said. Riley held her hand out. "My name is..." Miss Thompson cut her off while shaking her hand. "Riley Matthews, loves fish stick Fridays." She said. "Who are we?" Maya asked. "Kayden Matthews, you always as me about my day and give me a smile. Maya Hart, I always give you extras to take home." Miss Thompson answered. "I know all my kids. Well I will leave you all to it." She said and walked out of the kitchen.

Riley started to peel some of the potatoes. "So this is easy, what could possibly go wrong?" Riley said. "Look at all these spices." Maya said pointing at the spice rack. "This. This is wants gonna go wrong." I mumbled and continued to peel the potatoes. "You know what these are?" Maya asked. "What?" Riley asked as we continued to peel potatoes. "Taste and flavor. The kids will love us." Maya said. "Peel the potatoes, put them in the pot." Riley reminded her. "That is ALL we do!" I exclaimed. "I can't hear you. Ba-da-da-da, da, da-da spicy!" Maya sang. Riley goes to grab a bag of potatoes but the rest of them fall down.


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