Fighting back >:]

Start from the beginning

Looking at the direction of where teme and Sakura,  I gave that teme a quick nod and summond more shadow clones while secretly transforming one of them into one of those giant shuriken thingy's.  making a dash for  Sasuke-teme I yelled out: "Sasuke catch!"

Kakashi POV 

 I watched as Alice fight against Zabuza by herself. Taunting/teasing him about his cow arm and leg warmers.

     If we wern't in such a dangerous and serious situation I would have praised her right about now. (Not about the jokes she was making but the fighting) She was actually doing pretty good against him.  But that wasn't the point. The point is that MY team MY genins fresh out of the acadamy are actually trying to fight against a ninja from the bingo book! 


'.......*sighs* I think Alice personality is rubbing off on me. -_\'


ANYWAYS~  with no other choice left, I simply did what only a g00d and cAriNg teacher would obviously do:

" What are you guys doing!?!?!!? YOU'RE ONLY GENINS! WIMPS! WEAKLINGS! You can't beat this guy! HE"S WAY. OUT. OF .YOUR .LEAGUE! Take  the old man and run! "

*Cue in anime falls from Sakura and naruto, a seat drop from Alice, and if I squint and look very closely- an Uchiha glare from Sasuke. *  

'yup I am definatly  a confidance booster.' *note the sarcasm*

Sasuke POV

After  Kakashi sensei shouting out how much "faith" and "trust" he has in us, I gripped the big shurikan that baka threw to me and raised one eyebrow.

"What's wrong Sasuke kun?" asked Sakura while looking at the Shurikan in my  hand.

" *smirks* that dobe probably isn'y as dumb as I thought  after all" 


Alice POV

So me and Naruto were pretty tired from fighting this guy and I noticed that Zabuza(yeah got pretty tired of calling him Mr.MooMoo -_-) was too. That's when I noticed Sasuke in the air launching a HUGE oversized shuriken at Zabuza calling it the wind style shuriken or somethin'.  Glancing at Naruto I noticed he was grinning again. 

"Hey Naruto, What are you so happy for?" I asked him.

"Just watch Alice chan. You'll see~" He replied back with a smirk.

And doing just that I noticed that the shuriken split into two and was going straight for the clone holding Kakashi in.  I widen my eyes as the clone just deflected one with his free hand(using his sword of course) and jumped over the other.  

"Naruto I don't see-"  

"wait for it..NOW!" Naruto yelled out as the over sized shuriken  zabuza #2  had just dodged turned into another Naruto and threw a kunai directly at the hand holding Kakashi in that water prison jutsu. And let's just say after finally being free Kakashi sensei looked very pissed. His target?  the poor pitiful creature wearing leg and arm warmers that look like cow skin. 


'poor Mr.MooMoo and the cows he skinned .'  D:  

*time skip~XD*

After  the masked ninja dissapeared away with zabuza's body we all stared at the body of our sensei lying on the cold ground..calling us to help him up.

him: g-guys? a little help here?

us: ..............................

him: I just saved your buts and this is all the thanks I get?!?!?


him:..what ever happened to "respect your sensei's?"  T.\ 

still us: ..............

  I know what you lot are thinking. 'What kind of people are you to just simply stare at your   teahcer when he OBVIOUSLY needs help?!?!' well the answer is simple: Payback. >:)


 " How far is your house from here?" Sasuke asked while turning to look at the old man.

"not too far. Actually we can walk from here." the old man said back to Sasuke 

"so what are we wating for? let's go! XD" Naruto yelled out 

" The sooner we get there the sooner I can get to a warm bath" Sakura stated while I just nodded along with her. 

Sweat dropping the old man nerviously asked: "what about your sensei?"

we all looked at Kakashi that was still lying on the ground and said:


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2012 ⏰

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