Chapter 1: Escaping The Realm

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Your POV

My home, our world, the entire realm is falling apart. It's not safe to stay here anymore. I'm really scared. Mom and Dad say we're staying, and that if the realm is truly breaking, we'll go with it. I don't want to die with this stupid realm. That's why I'm leaving tonight. I'm not taking anything, just myself. I take one last look at my sleeping parents. They're so peaceful; I walk out of the cave as quietly as I can. Once I'm outside, I stretch my wings and take flight.

Okay Y/N, just do it like Ari taught you. Concentrate, aaaaand... Oh my stars there it is! Thank goodness for Ari's lessons, I would never have been able to do that otherwise. I'll miss our magic lessons, but it's a price I'm willing to pay. Ari's not stupid, she'll survive, and I know I'll see her again. I keep flying until I'm all the way through the portal. As soon as I enter the new realm, I feel everything begin to hurt. Right, she did say that I'd hurt after portal summoning. No matter, I'm here now, I just need to find a place to stay. First though, find a spot to land. I need to shapeshift, but if I shapeshift in the air, I'll fall to my death. I didn't come all this way to die.

I land in an open field. There's trees all around me, I'm small for a dragon, and surprisingly I don't take up much space; I look at the F/C scales on my front feet for possibly the last time. I take that moment to shapeshift into a human, and summon some clothes for myself with the last of my strength. I get dressed as quickly as I can, then I flop on the ground and lay there. I just need to rest.

Connor's POV

I walk through the abandoned orchard, weaving through the trees, tired and annoyed. I don't want to go home. Zoe will tell our parents that I was out late, I'll get yelled at, then my parents will fight again. Nope, not an option. I'm almost in a daze, I just keep walking. I feel a strong breeze and my hair blows into my face. I remember when we'd come here together for picnics and such. I wish it could be like that again. I walk out into that big open field; The wind stopped. I flick my hair back to it's normal position, and what I see confuses me. There's someone else here? This place is abandoned, no one comes here but me. Eh, I'm probably imagining that out of paranoia again. Still, I can't avert my eyes, they're just laying there on the ground. I stop, just staring.

Your POV

I look up to see a human across the field. A HUMAN!!! Maybe they know somewhere I can stay!!! I slowly stand up and with a burst of hope-induced energy, I sprint towards them. The closer I get, the better I can see them. A boy, tall for a human, but that's all I can see in this darkness. All I want to see is him, I phase everything else out of my vision. I stand in front of him, and tap his shoulder.

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