"She went outside for a smoke. So..see anyone you like?" she said looking at the drunk teenagers around us.

"Nope" I said popping the letter p.

"I think Demi likes you" She said and I looked at her.

"She has a boyfriend" I said taking a sip of my drink.

"So..?" She asked

"That's cheating Lauren" I said and she giggled "besides I'm not into girls"

"But you were into me last night and last time I checked, I'm a girl" She said and I shook my head smiling.

"You're different" I said and she smiled.

"Because I have a dick?" She asked staring into my eyes. 

"Maybe" I said winking at her and walked out of the kitchen.

I was walking towards the living room when I felt a little dizzy.

How can I be drunk.. I just finished one cup.

"You okay?" A girl asked me and I nodded.

I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes


"Hey..you okay?"

I opened my eyes and Lauren was sitting beside me.

"Yeah I'm fine.." I sighed

"Are you sure? Because you've been sitting here for 20 minutes with your eyes closed" Lauren said and I looked at her surprised

"20 minutes?" I said sitting up and my head started spinning "Holy shit" I muttered

"What's wrong?" She saked tucking a hair behind my ear.

"I'm just...dizzy" I said and she frowned.

"I think someone drugged you" Maybe she used the weak one because you're already sober. She whispered "Did someone offered you a drink?"

"No one offered me a drink...wait.. Demi gave me a cup of gin and juice when I arrived" I said and she nodded.

"I knew it" She said

"Knew what?" I asked

"I saw her following you here so I followed you too.. when you sat down here I quickly sat down beside you. You looked tired so I let you rest" She said and I smiled at her.

"My body is so heavy right now.." I said and she giggled.

"Well.. I'll just text Lucy and I'll take you home" Lauren said pulling out her phone from her pocket.

"Can I stay in your house? I don't want my mom to see me like this" I said and she nodded.


"Are you comfortable enough?" Lauren asked getting in the bed beside me. We were laying face to face.

"Yeah... thank you" I said and she smiled.

"I'm just glad that I followed you.. If I didn't someone could've taken you..You could've woken up in some stranger's bed" She said and I smiled at her sweetness.

There's the Lauren I know

"Thank you.. but I'm fine.. I'm here" I said smiling.

We were silent for a moment just staring at each other before she closed her eyes.

"Can you take it?" I whispered

She opened her eyes and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Take what?" She whispered back

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