The blonde gets into her car and parks herself in front of the building, waiting for a certain brunette to come out. To say she was excited was an understatement. The fact that Lisa had the chance to be with her again, in way that wasn't sexual, put her in good spirits. Lisa took a peak through her car window, hoping to see Chaeyoung walk out soon.

And she did. Unfortunately, she came out with a guy that she wished she didn't see. Jungkook walked beside her with a smile on his face, talking about god-knows-what, as Chaeyoung listened intently before waving a goodbye to him. Chaeyoung walked up towards the car and knocked lightly on her car window. Lisa immediately unlocked her doors to let the older girl in even though the blonde had been raging in her seat quietly as she stared out past the hood of her car.

Chaeyoung takes a moment to adjust herself in her seat, feeling how uncomfortable Lisa was. She knew Lisa saw the two of them walk out and almost cursed at the fact that Jungkook followed her out, but it wasn't her fault since the boy was just leaving the building. The brunette glanced at Lisa for a moment.

"So, where are we going?" Chaeyoung asks, trying to lift up her mood.

"Huh?" Lisa blinks and looks toward the older girl, feeling her heart rate increase at the fact that Chaeyoung was sitting right beside her. "Oh, um, I actually haven't thought that far. I didn't think you'd say yes."

"Well, I did, so hurry up and make a plan," the brunette smiled.

As Lisa watched her lips curve, she couldn't help but grin herself, as she took a moment to stare at her involuntarily.


The blonde blinked again and shook her head, looking up at Chaeyoung, "Sorry, I was just, um, thinking."

"About where we're going, hopefully?"

"Yes! That! We're going to, uh," Lisa thinks hard again, as her brain cells rush to form at least one location in this vast city, and it does, fortunately, "Actually, just sit back and relax and enjoy the ride."

Chaeyoung lets out a giggle, "I hate you for saying that."

Lisa smiles this time as she finally placed her hands on the steering wheel, forcing herself to turn away from the girl next to her. It had been a struggle for her to make sure that she wasn't staring too much at the brunette in the past thirty minutes or so. She blamed the fact that Chaeyoung looked pretty during any time of day and as much as she loved it, she hoped it wouldn't have been such a huge distraction despite the fact that she was just wearing a simple, brown coat over her shoulders.

After her foot presses on the gas pedal, the car finally rides off out of the parking lot and into the vast city of soul. It was a quiet drive as seeing how the awkwardness never really left their atmosphere. Chaeyoung sat still in the passenger's seat with her eyes looking past the window. Lisa was thanking that she was driving, because if she wasn't she wouldn't know what to do with her hands. She gripped the curves of the wheel and constantly glanced at the girl beside her, wondering what to say. The only audio filling the air at the moment was the music playing from the car radio. And though it lifted the tensions a bit, the two of them still felt stuffy.

Soon after several minutes, they had finally reached their destination. Chaeyoung raises her eyebrows and looks looks at the small building. A blush pinks her cheeks as she glanced towards Lisa and the café. Chaeyoung sighs and steps out of the car at the same time as Lisa. They walked over the curbs and met each other in front of Lisa's car. Chaeyoung looks at the building anxiously. It was the same café from two and a half years ago when Lisa had planned to take her home that night. It never really changed in appearance, except for the new coffee logo on the sign.

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