Chapter 2 - Snowfall

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After about an hour, Parker wraps to allow the next regular to take the stage. He walks off with a pep in his step and a smile bright enough to illuminate the entire room. There's a flutter in Elli's stomach at the sight, something that happens everytime she sees him like that but he's her best friend and she loves seeing him so happy and proud. The flutter is the only right way to feel in that moment as she takes the picture.

"Why do you always take pictures?" Collyn asks and he stands up, grabbing his coat from the back of the chair.

"What do you mean?" Elli follows his lead.

"Same thing every time, different clothes, I guess but other than that, it's the same."

"Christmas is the same every year but I still photograph that." Elli argues.

"That's different and you know it." There's a taunt in Collyn's voice and Elli knows exactly what he's getting at.

"Fine, I take pictures at Navy Pier ever winter. It looks the same every time. It's what I do." Elli's eyes narrow as she shrugs on her coat.

"Yeah, alright." Collyn chuckles above the sound of him zipping up his coat.

He makes a good point and observation. Parker does play at other places sometimes but for the most part, it's this bar and it's the same thing. Different songs, different clothes, sometimes his hair is done if he had something to do but it's all pretty much the same. Elli probably has near identical pictures between her few flash drives so Collyn makes a good point. Why does she bother always photographing Parker's sets when they're almost the same?

Parker comes from around back and meets his friends at their table, the same smile decorating his face. "Aye." He greets.

"Hey." Elli and Collyn say simultaneously.

"Was, uh, was I alright?" Parker asks, pulling his lips between his teeth.

"You were amazing, just like every other time." Elli says, her smile meeting his.

Parker beams but looks to Collyn for confirmation. "What she said." Collyn nods in agreement.

"Thanks." Parker lets out a breath and runs his free hand through his hair. "Well, Marco's having a party if you guys wanted to go."

"Marco would have a party on a Sunday." Elli jokes. "But yeah, I'm down." Elli says, her and Parker looking to Collyn.

"Fuck it, not like I'm gonna go home and actually work. Follow you guys there?"

"Did you wanna drop your car off?" Parker offers as he nods to the door and the three start making their way out.

"Nah," Collyn shakes his head. "I'll have a beer at most, you sure you don't wanna drop yours off?"

Parker shakes his head. "Elli's turn to drink." A chuckle falls from his lips as Elli gives the boy finger guns and a wink.

"I'm gonna get drunk!" Elli cheers. "And regret it in the morning!"

Parker and Collyn burst out laughing while Parker wraps an arm around her shoulders. "You're a loser."

"Yes, that's why I'm getting drunk tonight." Elli quips, scrunching her face at him.

It's been a tradition since they'd moved together. If they were ever going out, they always just took turns on who would drink and who would be the designated driver. It was easier for one of them to drink rather than both, especially after Collyn had moved out and left the two of them to themselves. Neither really minded either. It was actually Parker's idea.

They'd gone out drinking because the guy Elli had been seeing cheated on her and she was devasted. Parker had an early class so he didn't plan to drink much anyway but Elli had plenty for the both of them. She paid for it that night and slept on the bathroom floor but Parker made sure she was okay. He didn't sleep much, really. He camped out outside the bathroom just to be sure she would be okay and he was prepared with aspirin and plenty of water for whenever she could keep it down. And he was there when she could hold herself awake and keep the contents of her stomach down long enough to cry about the guy that cheated on her. Parker was there to tell her he was terrible and she deserved better. Of course, Elli didn't remember any of that by the next morning, but Parker did. He meant his words and he didn't regret staying up with her. He was just happy he opted to stay sober. So, it was then that Parker offered the idea of only one of them drinking, just in case the drunk one needed the sober one for anything.

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