
Relationship: Couple/Puppy love

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Relationship: Couple/Puppy love

KaI and JaeHee never have much interaction when in public, so when they put together or are behind closed doors, fans cherish their moments together. They live for these two, and though they act completely awkward around eachother, they all know how their so touchy and squishy when their with eachother. Fans hoped that they were dating for real, but it was denied heavily by the two. They care for eachother dearly, but are too shy to show that when around one another.


Relationship: Mischief makers

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Relationship: Mischief makers

Exo-ls love this ship, because they know what mischief these two get on with. JaeHee And Jongdae always have something funny to do when around eachother, and the fans just couldn't find this anymore hilarious. Though apart from the jokes and games, they love eachother a lot, and a very happy to have one another. This ship has a lot of rilvary between JaeYeol and JaeSoo.


Relationship: Brother-Sister/Best Friends

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Relationship: Brother-Sister/Best Friends.

Sehun is JaeHee's number one guy apart from all the other members. He and her are the sassy duo of the group, and are always making the members laugh, even in the worst moments. If someone made JaeHee upset or cry, just make sure you at least call Jesus to see if there's a space for you up there. These two love eachother and it is really a much underrated ship in Exo.

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