Christmas (Pref #10)

Start from the beginning

Michaels eyes shoot open and he smiles slightly, "Alright, I'll get up."

"Good, the boys are already here and our families should be here soon." You explain.

"How come we have to do Christmas this year? We can't cook!" He asks.

"Correction, you can't cook." You laugh as Michael heaves himself out of bed.

"I hate you." Mikey sighs as he pulls his Christmas jumper on.

"I love you too." You say before heading back downstairs to see your family walking through the door.

They all come up to you and wish you a Merry Christmas before heading into the lounge where Luke, Ashton and Calum are.

Not long later, Michaels family turn up just as Michael finally comes downstairs and, after everyone has shared their gifts, you and Michael head to the kitchen to cook.

"You could've asked Ashton to help you, he likes cooking." Michael complains as he twirls a fork inbetween his fingers.

"We're a couple Mike, that means you have to help me, not your friend."

He rolls his eyes and sighs dramatically before asking about what needs doing.

Everything seemed to be going well until Michael burnt himself on the oven.

"Fuck!" He curses.

"Why didn't you use a towel you doofus?" You ask as you shove his hand under the cold tap.

"Didn't think I'd need to." He mumbles as he bites his lip with pain.

"Of course you need to! You turned the oven on and saw the temperature that were cooking at, why would you just put your hand in there and pull the metal tray out?" You ask.

"Hey, I'm stupid, leave me alone." He frowns as he scratches at the blistering skin on his hand.

"Leave your hand under the tap for a while, I'll get Ashton to finish up with me." You sigh as you head to get Ashton.

Once back in the kitchen, Ashton laughs at Michael who stands with his hand under the tap and a sour look on his face before helping you prepare the food for everyone.

"See Mikey," You tease, "Ashton got the chicken out using oven gloves so he didn't burn himself."

Michael smiles to himself whilst shaking his head, "That's right, make fun of me! I'm injured and you don't even care."

You roll your eyes before taking Michaels hand from under the water and 'kissing it better'

"I think I burnt my lips too." He says with a dramatically thoughtful face.

You giggle before kissing him.

"Maybe my dick too." He teases.

"Michael!" You exclaim.

"What? It's Christmas!" He pouts.

"Later." You whisper before walking back over to Ashton who's cackling to himself.


For a while, the guys have been trying to get you and Calum together but you're refusing to let them win.

Both of you are in love with each other but don't want to admit because it'd mean the boys were right and you will never give them the satisfaction of being correct.

For Christmas this year, Ashton has invited you all around to his house for a quiet day away from all the festivities that overtake the world.

You and Luke arrived at Ashtons together to find Michael and Calum already inside with Ashton.

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