Chapter 19

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Goddes POV

"Why is your dad calling you?" Tivon questioned.

"Hell if I know." I said trying to keep calm. Why the fuck would he calling me? Me of all people! Especially after what he did to my mom, the bastard have some nerve.

"I think you should pick up." he said once the phone started ringing again. "We can probably find out where he is." He said. It was a smart idea yet can I do it? Can I try to control the disgust and hatred I have for this man? Tivon came over and sat next to me, observing my internal struggle.

"I'll be right here next to you. Just try to remain calm. Don't let him know that we are away from home or that we know about the situation with your mom."

"OK, let me just calm down. And then I'll pick up in a few minutes or if he stop calling I'll call back, ok?

"Sure. Come get me when your ready." He quickly put on some cloths and left out the door leaving me in the poorly lit room. I sighed.

While laying back on the bed, I allowed myself to be swallowed whole by my thoughts. I wonder what a normal life feels like. I wonder how it feels to have a loving mother and father. And I wonder how it feels to be happy. I wonder how it would feel to think of my home as an actual home. My heated tears started to fall. And you know what made this moment even worse. I didn't even have Tray here to wipe them away. Someone that I missed. Someone I trusted. Someone who understood me.

And here I sat a mess, crying my eyes out wishing that he was by my side. Did I overreact? Am I being too sensitive? Do I really want to just drop out my life like that? Should I talk to him..

I shook those thoughts from my head, saving those thoughts to ponder on at another time. I got up to tell Tivon that I was ready to talk, to call back. I peeked my head out the hotel door but he was nowhere to be found. My gut was telling me to stay in the room. Just stay in the room, lock the doors and call the police. And call Tray.

Yet, I couldn't. He could be in trouble. Hell the police would probably be too late if I was to call and wait on them. I got dressed and stepped outside the room. Maybe he went to sit in the car, but it was vacant. I walked around for a bit searching for him, but nothing. I was scared now. How can a person just vanish out of thin air like that? I took out my phone ready to call the police but suddenly I was grabbed by a pair of hands.

I tried to fight them off. I tried to scream, bite, kick. Anything that would have set me free I attempted. Unfortunately, my attempts failed miserably.

"Calm down Goddess." I heard a voice muttered. Not just any voice though. That voice once sent shivers down my spine and hunted my dreams. That voice once screamed dominance. That voice now made me hold my broken heart from it's betrayal. I was frozen from the sound of it.

I turned around slowly to see Tivon staring at me with concern. Tray on the other hand avoided making eye contact with me. He seemed so distant and cold. The realization of this disgusted me. How could I survive being around him like this. This wasn't him. This wasn't us. Awkward was the perfect word to describe the vibe.

"Can someone explain what's going on." I said in a shaky voice.

"Tray was sent here to look after us just in case someone came after us. Which a few guys are here. We have to get out of here now. " I looked at Tray. I wonder if he knew what happen between and Tivon in that room. I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks from the embarrassment. Suddenly my phone went off. It seemed to be my sperm donor once again calling. I tried to silence it as fast as I could but suddenly we heard footsteps heading our way.

"Shit." Tray muttered. "Get up let's move." But it was too late. We were surround. I felt something crack against my skull and I fell to the ground. I felt myself fading fast. I saw Tray and Tivon fighting, but they could only handle so much. I tried to crawl away but a pair a feet filled my blurry vision. Next thing I know I received a sickening blow to my head forcing me into unconsciousness.

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