Ch.4: A Quiet Dinner

Start from the beginning

 Nunally giggled making Lelouch look at her quizzically. “I'm so happy, cause last night you scared me a little. Adelice and I were worried about you.”, Nunally said. At this Adelice put her fork and knife down. It was the truth but it probably shocked Lelouch more to hear it coming from Nunally then her. He stared at Nunally with his purple eyes a little in shock.

 A frown spread across Adelice's face again as she set her hands in her lap, looking between Lelouch and Nunally. Perhaps if he heard it from her it would do more good then what she had said many times in the past. Lelouch broke the quiet. “Did I? I'm sorry I just have a lot on my mind is all.”, he said turning down to his half empty plate. “Hey”

 Lelouch looked back up at Nunally to see her smiling, she held up the crane to him. “They say if you fold a thousand of these cranes, your wish will come true...” Adelice smiled at this but somehow she didn't think folding a thousand cranes was going to get Lelouch to stop leaving her and Nunally so much.

 Did gambling and playing chess mean that much to him? “So if there's anything at all that you have been wishing for..”, Nunally finished. “No, not really”, Lelouch answered interrupting her a little. “What about you? Do you wish for anything?”, he asked, trying to lighten the mood once again before it started to get gloomy.

 Nunally put her head down in thought. “Hmm... I wish the world was a gentler place.” At this Adelice didn't have much more of an appetite. She hated the fact that even though Nunally was blind she could still see the bad things in this world. Lelouch turned to look at her.

 Their eyes met and he could see the pain she felt for Nunally through her eyes and then turned back to Nunally. “When the day finally comes that you can see again I'm sure that it will be.”, he said smiling at her. “Really?”, Nunally asked, already excited once again. A small smiled came to Adelice's lips at seeing Nunally's childish innocence.

 “I promise.”, Lelouch answered, setting his fork and knife down and took Nunally's hand. Nunally smiled and wrapped there thumbs together, holding both of their hands up. Adelice smiled as she watched the two of them. Lelouch stayed still, not knowing what to do, looking quizzically at Nunally.

 “Sayoko taught me this the other day, it's called a Japanese promise.”, Nunally said. Their hands moved up and down like a handshake. “Cross my heart, hope to die, eat a thousand needles if I lie, pinky-promise song.” and with that she broke the “handshake”.

 Adelice couldn't help but giggle a little. “That's adorable Nunally, what a cute custom they have.”, Adelice said smiling, as she continued to watch. Lelouch looked at her. “I'm not sure about adorable, that's scary, I may have to eat a thousand needles some day.”, Lelouch said. Adelice giggled and nodded in agreement.

 “That's right, so I better not catch you telling lies, okay?”, Nunally said. Adelice's eyes traveled back to Lelouch. “Don't you worry, I'll never lie, I swear.”, he said, smiling at Nunally. A tinge of anxiety formed in the pit of Adelice's stomach, she sure hoped he would never lie.

 The chime of the grandfather clock came and Lelouch smiled at Nunally. “Time for bed?”, he asked as the thrid chime rang. Nunally nodded her head, Lelouch stood from the table, pushing his plate aside, walking over to Nunally and wheeling her to her room. “Goodnight Nunally”, Adelice called to her as they exited the room before the last chime went off.

 She smiled and sat back against the chair, letting them have their time together. She knew they needed their family time without her even if she was considered like one of the family. Adelice walked over to the grandfather and pulled the little silent lever so that the clock wouldn't chime during their sleep. Sayoko came back into the room. “Where is Lord Lelouch, Lady Nunally?”, she asked, surprised to not be helping Nunally into bed.

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