Chapter 7 ~ Allegiance

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"Who are you really? What's going on? Mirdull was terrified of you, the only person I've seen who scares him is Airell. I know what goes on in my city, there's a link between the council, the missing elves and your rebellion, isn't there? And the council need me for some reason because of this, why?"

He was quiet for a moment as he sat forward to rest his elbows on his legs. I could see the wheels turning behind his eyes.

"You didn't want to join the rebel alliance, remember? Why should I tell you anything." He finally said.

Frustration bubbled up, my fingers curling into the armrest, "I want to know. I need to know. You owe me that."

"I owe you nothing, Shylah." He replied calmly, watching me.

Gritting my teeth, I pondered over my options. I knew Una was a good woman, that she would never hurt anyone, and if she aligned herself with Atanas, then I had to assume whatever they fought for was good. The council had never been a friend of mine.

"I no longer think it's safe for you to be around me, not now that I know the council are using you for something. If you don't want to help, you can go, and I suggest you run far because things are in play now that mean it's going to be even more dangerous." He continued, "I won't stop you if you want to leave."

I frowned, wondering what had suddenly made him change his mind. Part of me jumped for joy, telling me to run into my room, pack a bag and do as he said, run. The other told me it was time to take a step forward, to do something that was more than just myself. I'd told myself it was time to place some trust, but Atanas had still hurt me just as members of the council had.

"If I stay, if I agree to help, you no longer treat me as your pet. I am my own person, I will not let you walk over me anymore, I refuse to bow down and grovel at your feet. You also have to tell me everything, leave nothing out, I refuse to help if you keep secrets. You will tell me what's going on." I demanded.

His lips twitched into a smile and he nodded slowly, "You're willing to trust me?"

"That depends on what you tell me." I stated.

He chuckled, relaxing back against the couch, kicking his feet onto the table. He seemed far too relaxed considering the conversation was going to take a serious turn.

"The Vampire Council think themselves above the laws set by the High Council. Laws set down by a vampire older than any other that walks the earth, alongside the leaders of the Wulvers and the Ailill. A hundred years ago, Ailill were going missing, just as they are now, humans were disappearing off the streets. You know better than most what their blood does to our kind, it makes us easy to manipulate, to mould. The craving is so strong you would do anything if it meant you could have more. A hundred years ago, the council were creating an army." He explained, "And I believe you were going to be part of it. However, Una and the people we were working with managed to put enough of a wrench in the works that eyes were suddenly on the council, watching their every move, they had to put a hold on their plans."

My chest constricted. Blurry memories rushed through my head. A hundred years ago, I had been on my own for around thirty years, there was no way I could have been part of their plan. Could I even believe what he was telling me? It was so far fetched, too unbelievable, yet I couldn't stop the pieces of the puzzle that fell into place with his words.

"They're using the Ailill blood to control the vampires they're creating?" I asked, needing to be sure I understood.

That was something that made sense to me as it was exactly how I had been controlled and made to bend to the will of the ancients.

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