**[[Q & A]]**

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Hello and Welcome everyone to my little questions and answers part. I hate to break this to all of you, but I'll publish the next chapter 2-3 days from now, after edit some error part. ;(

Now then, let's begin.

1. Why did you decide to write this book? What was it that inspired you?
To be honest, I don't know for sure what was the reason either. But what I want to do was that I really wanted to publish my thought, my imaginary world, my fantasy, my dreams and my love of reading into the story and let others read it. As for the inspiration, I actually forgot it myself because I read too many um... bl novel hehe.... and I just thought of making a unique book then add some flavor that I like in other books into this book of mine.

2. What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a chapter or a book?
Err that's.... before I write this book or more like writing it in draft I didn't research anything at all. Not even the system part. I just come across this one story that was involved with system so I start my own ideas thinking that the story can have multiple genres in this book, so I was so happy and start writing like crazy. But later on, I think that I should become more proper and research. Now I'm researching a lot and ask others for advice a bunch too. I hope this new volume could have a good taste.

3. How do you select names of your characters?
At first I thought I should put name with meanings, but at the end I didn't because some of the names in Chinese are hard to pronounce and I know I put Ning Yue name is also hard to pronounce, but I believe my readers could get through it. ;)

4. Do you try to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
Of course, original! But as each published chapter I started to feel like what would readers think, what would they like, what would surprise them and such. I was so so sad at that mid time, but finally I searched about what writers should actually think about everytime and it just eased me because every writers actually think about that although all that sounds dump to you guys, but you'll understand me if you write a book or two before.

5. Have you ever read the reviews/comments about your book/story? What would you do with bad or good reviews/comments?
Yes, I did and I do every day hahaha (not writing tho :3) about dealing with the reviews/comments, I just answer or explain everything as I could in details. As a matter of fact, I saw all the comments mostly are complimenting and I'm grateful for that, Thank you guys!

6. Could you give a hint of what's gonna come next on the next chapter?
Err... that..... *sigh* I want to make everyone cry this time. Also I will change some writing style (not that I didn't change before lol), improve system alert and such. But don't worry, our system personality will stay the same as ever. Lol

7. Are you confident that readers will like your chapters?
50/50. I'm not gonna say for sure people might like err... my new style of description;( because people have different taste of words ) but I tried my best so let's just let me wait a little longer please don't crush my hope of getting my book/story recognized by others.

8. Have you ever experience any of the scene in this book?
Umm....there's one but I can't tell, sorry T_T) and about the other scenes, no, none other then that one.

9. What kind of book do you like the most?
Sad story + romance
Second options should be sad + horror
Third option sad + supernatural and much more.
But the most important thing is, it has to have BL OR BOYXBOY on the tag of the book. ;) any recommend? Please drop it here. 👉

10. Final question, What would you like to tell your readers?
Finally, I would like to say thank you and sorry for reading this book that I messed up the update scedule, but you still read it anyway. And For the remaining readers, they will get a chance to go out with me (I'm a girl hehe)

Haha just kidding don't take me seriously ok? ;P

Love you guys, see you next chapter.

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