Chapter 19: Falling into another anime series

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Emilia POV

I woke up from my sleep and since I was half awake, my evil feet decided to let me have for once bad footing and balance and I fell on the floor with a thud when Obito ran into the room with a Kunai held tightly in his hand, "I heard a sound! Is someone attacking us?"

I groaned and smacked my forehead on the wooden foot and woke up slowly and smiled creepily at him. His face turned ashen and stared at me his eyeballs almost dropping out of his sockets.

"Boo," I said and he dropped his Kunai and ran downstairs screaming like a little school girl. I chuckled to myself quietly and changed into a black crop top with a fishnet shirt underneath it, I wore black trousers and knee-length black ninja sandals.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my toast and munched on it happily, Grandma laughed at my antics and asked me, "Dear, what happened to Obito? " I laughed and whispered everything to her and we laughed.

"I have to go now Grandma see ya!" I waved happily and walked to the meeting point and saw Kakashi and Tachi sitting down ignoring each other. I sweatdropped immediately and walked over to them, "Uh... Hey... Guys. Nice weather?" They glared at me and glared back at each other, I grew an anime fan and raised my paper fan and smacked them both, "STOP IT YOU TWO BEFORE I TAKE MY KATANA AND SLICE YOU UP!" I yelled at them.

We walked to the dango shop and because all of us were feeling lazy when Tachi excused himself, we waved goodbye to him and then we took the shortcut to the shop when a masked man grabbed all of us and trapped us and threw us into a spiraling portal. Then I black out...


With Kakashi and Emilia

Emilia's eye lid fluttered as she woke up and saw herself in an abandoned building. She felt for the wall and saw a table a typewriter machine typing words on it. Who are you? Emilia Argen. What are you? W-what? Emilia backed away from the typewriter and saw blood red writing on the wall. Who are you? Emilia gripped the table behind her tightly and it shattered. "Hey... Emilia... " Kakashi called out, turns out only the two of them are in here. 

"What's wrong Emilia?" she pointed to the bloody handwriting, "What are you?" He asked loudly and they went to scout around the area for clues when they hear a sound not far away. A sound of a lift opening and talking and vomiting. Wow? The two walked towards the sound to see a door opened and I looked inside. Lying on the surgery table was a guy in a lab coat and he was stabbed and blood was everywhere.

She stifled a scream and Emilia walked inside as she heard something being crushed under her foot, I removed to see an eyeball beneath my foot, her eyes widened and she jumped away from the eyeball and saw shattered glass and wet liquid on the ground. "WHAT THE HELL!" she yelled and ran to the corridor and hitting someone's chest. "Ah- So it's just you Kakashi."  

They ran to the lift and pressed the up button the door opened as they went up to the next floor, they smiled at each other and the door opened and they hear yelling, they ran towards the sound of yelling and they saw a hooded man with a red and black scythe in his hand as he threatened to destroy the last standing grave. She grabbed her kunai and a loud resounding clang resonated in the room. He growled, "Who are you?" Emilia glanced at Kakashi and he nodded. Just when a pale-yellow haired girl ran into the place where he was standing

"I am Emilia and this is Kakashi, and you are..." "Zack and this is Rachel Gardner"


With Rin and Obito

" What's the deal with this place...?" Obito looked around the city and walked to the directory, "Tokyo... Tokyo!? Wasn't this the place where Emilia was like in before she was here?! There are seriously more people than Konoha!" Rin nodded as they walked to the traffic lights and followed how the people walked there. They turned to an alley to find where they are by climbing up the walls when a guy walked to them. 

"You are not ghouls right?" Obito and Rin looked at each other in confusion, "Guess I will just have to kill you off then." The guy said and smirked his eyes turned black and his pupils were red making him look insane. For a while, Obito thought it was the mangekyo Sharingan until his Kagune came shooting out from his lower back. "What the hell..." The guy attacked and Obito used his Sharingan to see his chakra.

"Hey, Rin... He doesn't have chakra flowing in him." Rin looked at Obito startled and gripped her kunai tighter, Obito made handsigns rapidly "Katon: Gokkayku no jutsu!" He made half a tiger sign and placed it near his mouth and blew a fireball to the guy attacking them. He used his kagune and tried to deflect the fireball but it rained down on him. He used his Kagune and wrapped it around his body creating a shield and he came out unscathed. 

"Oi! Nishio! Stop it!" They turned to see a black-haired boy and a Dark purple-blue haired girl walking to him. They excused his behavior to the both of them and walked off when Obito called out to them, "Um... Excuse me but what are ghouls? The guy said something about it." They turned to look at each other   


With Minato and Kushina

"We have to get out of this place Kushina." Kushina glared at Minato as a thousand questions fired through her mouth. "Minato! Do you even know where are we! We are in the middle of a city!" Minato laughed sheepishly as they looked down and they looked at each other, We are 12 swarmed through their minds as they twitched an eyebrow. "I guess we just have to make use of it..." 

They walked around the place trying to navigate their way and saw a directory and it is in... Japan Tokyo, Takamagahara. They walked around the area when they saw a guy with dark blue hair with purple highlights and has a faded blue scarf tied on his neck. He wears a weird Navy tracksuit with a small crown on it and has sharp blue eyes. He was holding a sword and they looked at what he was fighting. 

They saw a blue glob with multiple eyes as Kushina and Minato held in their own scream, the guy used his sword and his as he dragged his index and middle finger down the blade, as his sword glowed bright, "Thou who dares desecrate this land of the rising sun! With my advent, I, the Yato god... Lay waste with Sekki and expel thy vast defilement! Rend!" He swung his sword and the glob died. "What the hell was that Kushina..." Kushina shrugged and the sword turned into a human. 

"Yato... There are people looking..." The kid with a dark green jacket prodded him, Yato walked towards them and stared at them, "You can see those things?" Minato and Kushina nodded. "They don't have a tail like Hiyori so they must be Gods too!" Minato and Kushina blinked their eye repeatedly. "I am Yato and this is Yukine." 

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