Chapter 22: Killer alert! Emilia's rampage!

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With Rin and Obito

"You guys encountered a ghoul in midday..." Touka recountered and told them in a suspicious voice, "Yeah... And this guy, Uh... Rin, did he say his name?" Rin shook her head and looked at him weirdly. Obito gave her a look that says, 'I will tell you later' she nodded and smiled at them. "What did he look like?" Kaneki asked, "Well... He have blue hair like Touka's and that's about all I can see. " Obito shrugged and a shocked look flitted across Touka's face and then back to her normal expression.

They went to change into their working outfits and walked pass a room when they overheard Touka and the boss talking to each other, their choices faintly heard, they could make up some from their conversation, "Sir, they are coming right?" "Yes Touka, and your brother was the one they faced off yesterday... " Obito and Rin looked at each other shell shocked and ran off further away.

They started to greet the customers and serve as their waiter and it wasn't long when night fell and they closed the shop. "Today's so busy ugh..." Obito complained as he stretched his arm and took off the vest, "I agree with you Obito this was so tiring... " Rin agreed and they both changed back into whatever they wore when a huge portal appeared underneath their feets. "What the hell!" he screamed and they found themselves in a dark room with metal bars and see a glimpse of two sliver heads and talking really loudly...

That sounds like Emilia and Kakashi to them.


With Kushina and Minato

"It's night Minato... " Kushina said to Minato who was trying to find the three, Yato, Yukine and Hiyori. Thanks for the tip captain obvious, he mumbled incoherently under his breath making sure Kushina didn't hear that bit alas she did, "Say that again Minato I dare you... " she growled at him angrily and Minato's first thought was, oh shit! Think of something A-ha! He smiled at Kushina and said, "Well I was saying that you pointed out the fact that it was night time was timely because I forgot about it. "

Kushina looked at Minato with narrowed eyes as he started sweating a lot and it went unnoticed by Kushina's keen eyesight (Me: well not really that keen. Shh... I did not say that and don't say anything to her she will come and... Reader: KUSHINA! She said your eyesight isn't that keen! Kushina: What did you say author! Me: Ahhh! Spare me my small life! *Still running away very quickly* Reader you Betrayer! Nice it rhymes)

Kushina smiled and and followed behind Minato who was mentally exhaling a breath he was holding and strolled in the show when they saw a skateboarding shop and Yukine and Hiyori in it. "Hey! " they looked at him and Yukine ran towards them and hit his head. "Where were you?" Minato grumbled and massaged his head, "somewhere.... Over the rainbow, " the three including Kushina sweatdropped at his reaction.

Yukine's eyebrow creased and observed Minato and then he looked back with a frightened expression, "That kid... That kid... He is capable of....


Annoying me to death one day, " Yukine finished his sentence and Minato groaned loudly and sat in a corner starting to grow mushrooms and emo lines appeared around him, Minato looked at Kushina and Hiyori and decided to use the innocent trick. He batted his eyelashes innocently and Kushina and Hiyori nose bleed, one that Soul would be proud of.

They as in Minato and Kushina walked on the road going back to their apartment when a loud honking sound interrupted their talking, that moment was ruined when a portal appeared beneath their feet and dropped them again . "Again... " Kushina grumbled in pure annoyance and saw the headless mannequin heads everywhere and a damaged TV screen, she looked to see Minato sitting cross legged and smiling peacefully and flashed a smile, "Kushina,get used to this... At least we survived the car accident" Kushina grew a tick mark and wanted to grab his collar and swing him into the wall and probably see how he will be calm about this now.

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