PART 52 ~ 53 ~ 54 ~ 55

ابدأ من البداية

In the morning,Ajay woke up. He open his eyes. He turned and look. Veesha's bed was empty. He see Veesha was getting ready to go out. He rub his eyes then frowned at her. She grab her handbag and went out from room. He wondered where she went. He want to know what she doing but he didn't asked her anything because he don't to interupt in her personal things. As usual he went to his work place.


In work place,after meeting Ajay dial his house number.

Ajay : Hello..

Ajay's Father : Hello..

Ajay : Appa..Naa Ajay..

A's F : Sollu pa..

Ajay : Sapthacha?

A's F : Hmm..Sapten..Iniki vithuke variya?

Ajay : Ille..Konjam velai iruke..

A's F : Cheri pa..

Ajay : Have you take your medicine?

A's F : Unga amma kudhutha..

Ajay : Phone Amma'teh kudhuge..

A's Mother : Hello..Ajay..Sapthiya?

Ajay : Haan..Neega sapthigela?

A's M : Haan..Sapten pa..

Ajay : Okay..Veesha enga? Vithuke vanthethala?

A's M : Un pondati ave paathune vara pora..Enaketeh kaalai'le ludhe onum sollale..Enake epdi teriyum?

Ajay : Cheri..Okay..Okay..Bye..

He hung up the phone then bite his lip while thinking.🤔

At home..

Ajay come home early. He climb up the entrance stair. He see his parents sitting at hall. He talk to them like usual then went to the room. Veesha was wiping her long hair with towel. He enter the room and close the door. He remove his coat.

Ajay : Veesha..

Veesha : Huh?

Ajay : Ummm..We need to attend a bussiness party today..

He grab his clothes from his closet

Veesha : No..I'm not coming..

She get back to her work. He slam the closet door to get her attention. She turned and frowned at him for doing that. He raised his eyebrow with arrogant.

Ajay : Be ready at 7pm sharp..

He said it cooly. She frowned at him more who is stubborn and don't want to listen to her at all. He grab his towel and put it on his shoulder then went to the bathroom. Ajay wore suits and then come to downstair. Ajay exhale his breathe to let go his anger because she wore saree for bussiness party. It's really grand saree and matchable to wore for a night party but she is the one who in saree for party.

Ajay : I thought so..(mumble)

He get up.

Ajay : Come..Let's go..

The couple were walking to the hotel entrance.

Ajay : Veesha..

Veesha : Hmm..

Ajay : Have you ever attend bussiness meeting?

Veesha : Yes..

Ajay : Great..

When they enter the hotel entrance. They went to the party place which the place was decorated with grand. Ajay grab Veesha's hand and enter.

Doorman : Good Evening,Sir..Good Evening,Ma'am..

💖Thalli Pogathey..En Anbe..💔 Story 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن