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john woke up with the curls of the sleeping man on his chest tickling his chin and the sun shining through the curtains. he combed his fingers through the curls, kissing the man's forehead. "wakey, wakey." he sang softly.

sherlock whined, rolling off of john and nuzzling into his pillow.

john scooted over to sherlock, getting into his personal space. "wake up sleepy head." he whispered into his ear.

sherlock cracked an eye open then rolled john over, wrapping his arms around him tightly to where he couldn't escape, but it was still comfortable. "shut up and go back to sleep. it's too early." sherlock pulled the comforter over them before getting comfortable and dozing off again.

john stayed awake for a few more minutes, before deciding to fall back asleep. he thought about how sherlock never really gets to sleep in and they didn't finally settle down until four, so it'd be for the best to let him sleeping in. and witnessed sleep grumpy sherlock for the first time.

they woke up again around twelve, almost one. sherlock has woken up and left john in bed while he got out, walking into the bathroom. john sat up when he heard the sink turn on and reached for his phone, seeing the text from his mom asking if he had asked sherlock about dinner tonight. he watched sherlock come out of the bathroom and opened his camera, zooming in on the man's arse before he pulled on a fresh pair of boxers and then a pair of sweatpants.

"what's that?" john asked as sherlock looked at him.

sherlock furrowed his brows. "what's what?"

"that." john pointed. "on your face."

sherlock felt his chin. "stubble."

"shave it."

"no. maybe i want a beard."

"and we've talked about this, you'd look horrendous with one."

sherlock laughed softly, walking over to john. "i was only joking, love. you know i could never grow a beard. it'd get too itchy."

john sighed in relief. "thank god for your sensitive skin. but why didn't you shave when you went into the bathroom?"

"my razor is in my bag."

"but you brushed your teeth."

"i forgot my tooth brush here."

"mmm. alright." john lay back down, holding his phone above him as sherlock went to his bag and dug out his toiletries. "why aren't you working today?" john asked sherlock as he got out of bed, going to his overnight bag.

"angelo fired ivy and valerie and hired these two boys. according to angelo they're good workers. had waiting jobs before this one." sherlock said from the bathroom.

john pulled on a pair of boxers and picked sherlock's jumper off the floor, putting it on. "we should go down and get some lunch." he stood in the door way of the bathroom, watching sherlock shave.

"alright." sherlock looked at john in the mirror. "you're beautiful."

john blushed, making eye contact with sherlock through the mirror. "you're not too bad yourself."

sherlock smiled then turned around, pulling john to him and giving him a kiss. "i love you."

"i love you, too." john gave him another kiss, getting shaving cream on his cheek.

the two went down to the diner after they got ready. sherlock went into the kitchen to say hello to angelo while john went and got them a table. he watched sherlock come out of the kitchen then go behind the counter and grab two coffee mugs, filling them then taking them to the table john was sitting at.

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