{Highschool au} Pt. 2

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A/N: Okay, so, this is a time skip about four months into the school year, so everyone's relationship is really close and they're all good friends. Just thought I might've needed to explain that before you read uwu

Keith's POV

I woke up to the sounds of Katie cursing and clattering metal. I shot up from...the couch? Why was I on the couch? I shook the thought away and walked over to them room Katie was working in. She was sitting at a desk, her hair tied up in a ponytail. She wore black shorts and a green tank top. "Damnit! Why won't this stupid thing work?!" She shouted, throwing some pieces of plastic and metal onto the floor. I forgot I had invited her over to work on our project for science. I guess I had fallen asleep in the middle of it. I walked up behind her in the chair and looked over her. It was some kind of small robot. There were wires, scrap pieces of metal and plastic, and tools scattered on the table. I shook her shoulder gently and she didn't move. "Katie. Are..you okay?" I asked cautiously. She was deadly when she was angry or frustrated. I didn't want to get caught in the middle of that. She sighed, and turned around in her chair. She had bags under her eyes, No, Keith. I'm not okay. I've been up all night and morning trying to get this damn thing to work, and it still doesn't, and I just wasted 10 hours of sleep, for some damn science project while you were asleep and-" I pulled her up by her hand and held her to my chest. "Just, Be quiet. And rest." She sighed, and wrapped her arms around me. "I don't want to. I want to get it to work." She said, slightly muffled by my chest and shirt. "Katie. You need rest. You haven't slept for probably 12 hours. I know you're tired." I responded firmly, looking down at her. She looked back up at me and narrowed her eyes. "Fine. If it'll help you sleep at night." She said, hopping onto my back. I held her by her legs, as her arms dangled down from my shoulders. I carried her into my room and laid her down on my bed. She covered herself in blankets. "Thank you Keith, but you don't have to take care of me." She said quietly, before yawning. "Katie, just don't be stubborn. It makes it less hard on the both of us." She sighed. "Fine.." I walked out of the room to go shower.

Katie's POV

As soon as he left the room I hopped out of the bed and peeked out the door. No sign of Keith. I made my way to the room I was in-I didn't really know what to call it, there was a table in the corner with a chair, a TV, and a couple black beanbags-and sat back down in the chair. "Okay, let's try this again, shall we?" I muttered to myself.

"Haha! This is amazing!" I exclaimed. The little robot made a small whirring noise. It was a small, triangular, floating robot. It had glowing green streaks in the side of it. I cupped my hands and it flew down into them. I giggled. "Your new name is Rover." I whispered to it. "

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